Ban Sunfall and White Sun Zenith
Standard is unplayable right now. Every single deck is some white combo board wipe control deck. I almost never see a creature deck. Many of us enjoy the fun and challenge of building a board and the intricacies of combat. By creating board wipes that also create creatures, you have taken all the fun out of combat and created the most boring format imaginable where both players just sit there forever doing nothing. You can see the last World Championships were all board wipe decks, as is standard now. My wife and I have quit playing. If you ban these cards, let us know and we will check it out. Alternatively, you can create the format that many have been asking for for a long time, which is a combat format with no counter spells and no board wipes. Anyway, unless something is done to fix the disaster that is now constructed play, there are far too many other fun games to play and no reason to waste time on MTG.

Draebon#29938 commented
I completely agree with this. I am doing pretty well with the new dinosaurs but I am being hit with 2 or 3 sunfalls in the same match. It is getting unplayable in diamond rank because everyone one multiple copies of sunfall. I even tried stacking some hexproof cards to help but that doesn't stop it. Sunfall needs to be way more expensive or tweak the mechanic to give us a way to save 1 or 2 creatures.
DaddyMac#12236 commented
After taking time away from the game and discussing the problem with other longtime players, the issue with these board wipes has become clearer. First, they exile creatures. Previous board wipes destroyed creatures, giving the opponent the option of making one or more creatures indestructible and giving the player at least a partial response to the board wipe. Second, the exile and features like wiping away the graveyard with cards like Farewell, give the opponent no chance at recursion. With older board wipes, the opponent had the ability to return cards from the graveyard and thus survive boards wipes. This made for interesting strategy. Any good deck had not only creatures and removal but the right amount of protection and recursion. The most recent board wipes take all of this interaction away. Now, as long as a player can hold on until he can wipe the board, a creature deck has little or no chance to recover. This has created what you have now, a standard format that is nothing but some combination of white/black/blue removal and board wipes, making for no combat and no fun. These cards should be removed and we should return to the day of DOJ type board wipes. It would also be nice if someone at Wizards acknowledged that she has even read this post. Real companies have real customer support. Here, your family can have more than half a century of MTG play experience, make several well-thought out comments and suggestions, and they refuse to talk to you and send you to this ****** forum where no one discusses the issues and no one from WOTC even reads it. No wonder MTG has declined so much.
DaddyMac#12236 commented
Rather than ban Sunfall, they made a Midweek Challenge Deck around Sunfall. They are just **** bent on making MTG as unenjoyable as possible. In over 25 years of playing, I have never seen constructed be so terrible. Maybe the new generation of player likes doing nothing for 20 minutes at a time.