No play in points were received on the end of the season
I was around the 760 position 10 min from the season ends and when it ended I was expecting the play-in points but I didn't get anything and I would like to understand why that happen. I would like to have the play-in points or understand what went wrong

airmil#10222 commented
Same issue for me for this season. Two hours before season reset I was at around ~257 but after reset I did not receive my points (I had already 20 points from a previous season and I still have 20)
Rev3rsi0n#58616 commented
Same issue there!
Rancour777#83199 commented
Same for me. Was TOP-800 Limited 1 hour before the end of season in January. No play-in points received, feels bad.
Alakazen#50989 commented
This also happened to me, I received an email stating that I have received 20 Play-In Points, but when I checked my account, I still had the same amount as previously (only 28 points; it should be 48 by now).