Rigged Mulligans
I have observed frequently (ESPECIALLY in paid Limited Drafts), that the Mulligans are rigged. My decks will be 17-19 lands out of 40 cards in a deck, yet I will still get less than 3 lands in a hand, mulligan consecutively until I am down to 2 cards and still get no lands. But on the occasions I get 3 lands in a starting, I will then pull nothing but lands for 4-5 turns.
This happens more and more the higher your win count and win streak.
And several other reputable mathematicians and code writers have analyzed the MTG Arena script and found it to be rigged, just youtube "Rigged MTG Arena Mechanics meant to make users pay".
Well I have spent over $200 on this game, and I’m not spending anymore until MTG stops rigging the game and uses a normal true random generator, and issues an apology to all players.
There will be consecutive improbable occurrences the more you play, to the point that it proves the game is rigged, because if you do the math every time and compare, you will discover it is virtually impossible to have such bad luck if the game was truly random and fair.
The worst part is that the game WILL PUNISH YOU FOR SPENDING MONEY!!! DO NOT SPEND MONEY!!! You will actually have BETTER LUCK if you don't spend any money at all, because if the game's program will assume you can't be persuaded/coerced into monetary purchases, and instead assign you to the aggressor role of trampling other paying players (especially the more you get good at MTG Arena).
If you've ever made it to your final win required for perfect streak in Limited, you know exactly what I’m talkin about.