Reckless Crew With No Vehicles Bug
Reckless Crew always creates tokens, but does not allow you to put equipment on the tokens created if you control no vehicles.
I have used the card many times now in different situations, and it always creates the tokens, but the only time the prompt to put equipment on the tokens comes up is if you have one or more vehicles on the field.
For my first few times using this card, it was being used in a deck with equipment and no vehicles. The prompt to put equipment on the tokens never came up.
After editing the deck to include vehicles (just to test the card), it did give the prompt to put equipment on the tokens while having both vehicles and equipment on the field.
There is nothing stating that controlling one or more vehicles should affect putting equipment on the tokens and only counts vehicles towards the number of tokens created, both within the card's text and rulings on the Gatherer page, here: