Calamity, Galloping Inferno creates two tokens instead of one.
Calamity, Galloping Inferno (OTJ 0116) created two tapped and attacking creature tokens when I think it should only be making it once. on my main phase, I saddled it with one other creature. When I declared attackers, two tokens were created. This happened 4 times over three matches.
Ritsu#60237 commented
Might want to read the card reading the card explains the card it is doing what its supposed to do as it states repeat this process on the card
AussieConnor#26478 commented
Arena players try to read their cards to the end challenge [Impossible]
TheWamp#17907 commented
if you read the rules on the card, it says repeat. It is doing what it was designed to do. Not a bug.
Goatllama#50447 commented
@nti$pin#90753 (and anyone else who is abusing a known glitch like this)
Abusing glitches is against the TOS I'm pretty sure. Stop, or your account could get perma-banned, and rightly so.
@nti$pin#90753 commented
Calamity token consistantly triggers twice. I'm winning a lot because of it. Please dont block my account. Although I am going to continue to play the deck. I'm atleast reporting it
Ryan Hosler#57260 commented
This also happened to me. Attached is a log
Belua#26734 commented
Calamity Galloping infernos attack trigger will only create 1 token if the opponent has one or more planeswalkers. (seems like the choosing who to attack with the tokens that are created creates the bug.)
Gniretawp#15836 commented
Same happens to me if there is any other target on table other than opponent. Happens when there is a battle as optional target too.
Solarsystemwulf96#48616 commented
I can confirm that this happens when you attack planeswalkers. I only get one copy of terror of the peak in this game when choosing between attacking the opponent or Koth.
Ciccio#85532 commented
The exact same thing happanened to me today! unfortunately I can't unpload here the log because it's 20 MB, so I've uploaded on GDrive:
Ikyaat#02204 commented
Playing on PC.
When I use Calamity, Galloping Inferno to attack while saddled, if there is an enemy planeswalker on the table, the second iteration of its mounted ability never happens.
choppinkyfinger#72155 commented
Consistently having the same thing. The "Repeat this process once" part of Calamity flat doesn't work when an enemy planeswalker is on the battlefield.
I have a deck that is designed around One Last Job and pulling Calamity out with either Moonshaker Cavalry or Terror of the peaks for a one turn kill. This combo completely fails when this bug occurs.
All Bite#89493 commented
Same. On Mac.
All Bite#89493 commented
same happened to me, calamity attacked while opponent had jace reawakened and it onyl summoned 1 copy. very reporucible bug please fix
PolarBear084#39536 commented
Also seeing this issue on both PC and Android, and it makes the card (and therefore the entire deck I've built around it) completely unplayable.
Seems to happen when you have to choose what the new token is going to attack (I personally saw it with [[Terror of the Peaks]] when I could have it either attack my opponent or the [[Invasion of Zendikar]] battle that they were defending). Choosing the attack target of the first token seems to interrupt [[Calamity, Galloping Inferno]]'s trigger from repeating. So you only get that first token.
Lost at least 5 ranked games to this at this point, and I'm incredibly disappointed this wasn't noticed and rectified in the first patch. Guess I'll just have wait to play MTGA until this has been resolved, because this was one of the cards that I was lucky enough to get and really really wanted to build around it.
All this to say, I hope they get this fixed soon. Having this large of a bug with a landmark Rare in the new set is... disappointing.
goblinshark#37139 commented
When you have to select what to attack for the first token (ie there is a planeswalker or battle on board), only one token is made.
ispanj2000#25962 commented
When I attack with Calamity, while it is saddled, it only produces one token. My opponent had a PW on board
dafunkyyy#64132 commented
the bug triggers if there is a target to select when creating the token (battle or enemy planeswalker)
Portixx#09481 commented
I'm facing the same issue on an Android mobile client. It's been going on for days now, pretty frustrating because I've spent a bunch of rare wildcards for a combo and it doesn't even work. Lost way to many wins because of this
mordekai#97500 commented
Just lost a game where the opponent had a planeswalker, and only one token was created. When selecting the target for the first token, the client correctly assigned that token to attack, but the second trigger from calamity never occurred afterwards.