Jump in Event - stuck
I encountered an error with the jump in event.
I have MTGA arena installed on my windows 10 pc and my iphone X.
Recently I was playing jump in on my pc.
I left it logged in at the jump in event, but i guess it timed out (I had to leave the house)
I continued playing on my Iphone, resigned the event and rejoined, selecting two new packs, continued playing on my iphone.
Afterwards, when I got back home, I continued playing on my PC. I reconnected and It was still on the jump in event, but still showing the two previous packs/deck.
I didn't think to much of it, and selected play again, the event started, but as suspected I played with my new 2 packs (as selected on my iphone). I won, but ever since then I am unable to play the event again. When trying to play again, It only shows "home" after going to jump in..
Anyone else experienced something alike?
Please advice ;)

Facundo#93538 commented
Is there a way to fix this bug?
Len#60608 commented
Facundo#93538 commented
I have the same problem. Fix it please...
Ciofeca999#05506 commented
Same issue.
Affecting all my devices: android and PC (pc version 2024.44.0.7296.1106704)
Jump In! is now unusable for me.Please vote and fix
Charname98#10454 commented
How long shall we wait?
Charname98#10454 commented
When will this problem be solved?
Len#60608 commented
claramente no tienen equipo de soporte esta empresa, o no les interesa, pasan y pasan los meses y no hacen absolutamente nada y nadie responde
Len#60608 commented
4 meses y aun no hacen nada
HideThePickle#22730 commented
Same issue.
Len#60608 commented
y lo mas probable es que esa gente cobre igual
Len#60608 commented
parace que no existe nadie que trabaje como suporte de magic arena. por que pasa y pasa el tiempo y nadie hace absolutamente nada
Len#60608 commented
why nobody help me :( !!
Len#60608 commented
i have the same problem , any solution ? :c
Athrox#62295 commented
I have the same problem.Any news ?
ZKTweak#81383 commented
Anyone able to help with this? It is very annoying.
marvlous#24220 commented
iv already open a ticket,but still no reply either.and iv connect customer service,they told me ticket here.
disappointing,so long time no response -
SoupHero#27928 commented
SoupHero#27928 commented
In fact.. getting pretty desperate about it.. maybe you could open a ticket to?
SoupHero#27928 commented
No fix, no reaction, no support... for more then a month now..
marvlous#24220 commented
have u fix it? i meet the bug too yesterday