12 prototype card styles of retro artifacts disappeared from the collection
Months ago,after the display system of card styles was changed, 12 retro artifact styles I bought from the store bundles disappeared and I am still waiting for the issue to be fixed. Those card styles are:
Soul-guide lantern
Ichor wellspring
Key to the city
Mastermind tome
Foundry inspector
Inspiring statuary
Scrap trawler
Aetherflux reservoir
Mystic forge
Platinum angel
When I bought the styles from the bundles of the brother's war they had a 50% discount, and for the 12 styles I spent 17000 gold, in total, so I am asking for you to fix the issue and give me back the styles, or if you can't I ask a refund of the gold I spent.
Thank you an have a nice day
Massimiliano Farina