Shame of Rng
In case after playing Azorius Artifacts I was only facing Brotherhoods End... now it turns out that playing Azorius Control I have to lose against Azorius Artifacts, having two thrulls in the deck, more counters, more lands (27) than the opponent and of course removals in the area like goodbye, despite the perfect sideboard I lose blatantly against this player who doesn't even have to mulligan and doesn't stop topdecking the perfect cards without stealing bad or miss a land in the entire game. (they have less 27 for sure, no ramp artefacts)
I feel absolutely ashamed of this algorithm, logically I did have to make mulligans with horrible hands with only a land etc.
Shame on algorithm, shame on system and shame on rng.
Obviously it is a complete scam, no comments, it doesn't matter what I play, I am condemned to lose because of its algorithm again and again.
I hope they fire people from this company for this terrible algorithm. Don't put money into them, the game is a big scam.