Toxic Deluge / Eldrazi Spawn Not Interacting Properly
During a game of MH3 premier draft, I cast Toxic Deluge for x=1 while my opponent had an Eldrazi Spawn in play. Instead of dying, the token remained on the battlefield as a -1/0. This persisted across the rest of the game. Unsure if this is a visual bug or if my opponent could have activated the token's ability.

Caladuin#93294 commented
Something similar happened to me.
I had cast Toxic Deluge for X = 1 and a token remained on the battlefield as a 0/0 (my opponent didn't block with it so I am not sure if it was only a visual bug or not).
The other bug that happened (but I am not sure if it is related) the cards in my opponent graveyard showed the sleeves instead of the faces of the cards (but when I clicked on the graveyard, I could see the cards).