Recurent freeze when internet connexion bump
This bug is recurrent and have not been fixed in YEARS.
Whenever while in a game my internet connexion "bump" (meaning it disconnect for less that 3 second), your software is not able to recover and it freeze completely. Pets are still working and it shows that we are waiting on whoever had the priority before the bump but it actually result in a loss for the player that had the internet connexion bump.
Usually the software goes : "Waiting for server" but either never reconnects or freeze as it reconnect.
I actually stopped playing in the past because of that issue. I came back and I see the bug is still not fixed.
Please do something about this, I am stick of losing games because of that. I am pretty sure that more players would do limited (draft sealed etc) if those issues were resolved. Nobody want to lose a tournament because of some pity bug like that.