Tender Wildguide not stopping between phases
When holding an instant in hand that could be cast with mana produced by Tender Wildguide, the game would automatically pass phases as though I did not have enough mana to cast the instant. This did not happen with the token version of the card, only the original copy.
This was on PC 7/30/24 @1:15 PM PST
Game Version 2024.39.0.6329.1081215

MarathonTR#84258 commented
When the card comes into play with a counter, it seems to work correctly.
Without a token, this result also occurs (for example: at the end of the opponent's turn): Screenshot 2024-08-05 121400.png. If the token's ability triggers first, the other card is skipped. -
smameann#53527 commented
Same issue. It meant my opponent attacked for lethal even though I had mana to sacrifice a food token to survive.
FantasiaWHT2#19613 commented
Same issue, this is causing me to lose games.
1) I have to manually tap it to cast spells (spells in hand it could cast are not highlighted)
2) It does not hold priority at the end of opponent's turn (or at any point)
3) This causes many missed opportunities to add counters to it or cast spells. -
Jeremiahfira#29829 commented
I've noticed that Tender Wildguide doesn't count for any priority. You need to press full control when you want to use it on opponent's turn if you have nothing else that holds priority. You can still utilize him at any time, but I've had to be in full control. I've set stops on my opponent's end phase to make sure I can add a counter to him
ShatteredSphere#31893 commented
I lost a rated draft game due to this-when I tapped the token wildguide, despite the fact that I had the nontoken wildguide and a land up to activate a food to gain life, the game proceeded to skip my priority like I had nothing available to play after the wildguide token's +1/+1 counter ability resolved and went to combat damage.
I also noted when casting a spell that the auto-tap logic did not see the nontoken one as a mana source--it didn't auto-tap my lands when I needed mana from the nontoken one until after I manually tapped it. Some flag(s) the auto-tap and auto-pass logic uses didn't get set properly in the card configuration.
malasdair#22066 commented
also happening with the wildguide's put a +1/+1 counter ability