osteomancer adept forage does not work
- Have Osteomancer Adept on battlefield and no longer has summoning sickness
- Tap Osteomancer Adept to activate "forage" ability
- Have 4 or more cards in graveyard -- no food tokens on battlefield
- Choose a creature spell to cast from graveyard
- Attempt to select cards to exile to forage.
Expected: Able to choose three cards from graveyard to exile to meet forage requirement
Actual: Cards are treated as though they will be played instead of being able to select them and click Submit.
Note: the ability does work if you have a food token to sacrifice
Lost at least one Sealed game because this bug requires tapping Osteomancer before the cast/forage combo fails, no way to untap at that point, leaving me without a death touch creature to attack or defend with until my next turn and no new creature either.
rrangel#36397 commented
just lost a game for the same reason. Very frustrating
Mari#13639 commented
Lost my draft game because of this issue, unable to recast my Stickytongue Sentinel to block opponent's flyer with reach and bounce my Driftgloom Coyote for removal.
I believe it is due to having only creatures in the graveyard, making it impossible to select the graveyard pile on the UI since the entire thing has been moved to the cast zone. Steps to reproduce:
1. Have Osteomancer Adept on board with 4 or more creature cards in the graveyard and no non-creature cards.
2. Tap the Osteomancer Adept to cast creature spells from the graveyard.
3. The creature cards in the graveyard move into the castable zone, making it impossible to click on the graveyard pile on the UI, as it appears empty.
4. Attempt to cast a creature spell from your graveyard, the game should move to the "Exile three cards from graveyard to pay for forage" step.
5. The other creature cards in graveyard are impossible to select as payment for the forage cost, due to them being displayed in the castable card zone instead of the graveyard pile. The spell casting will not be able to resolve.Log is attached.
holysheet#01486 commented
Same here, lost two games as could not select the three cards to exile
Byg#91589 commented
just ran into this today, still not fixed
ScorpD#42785 commented
This is still happening, lost my round because of it. FIX IT
serpentwind#37296 commented
This happened to me recently causing me to lose a draft game I may have been able to otherwise win.
nomber3#43846 commented
I had the same problem. I tried to play a creature in the graveyard (Moonstone Harbinger in the screenshot) after activating the ability, but I could not select the card to exile.
PeteNUK#08025 commented
Also suffered a loss thanks to this bug
GxSlim#02868 commented
Also experienced this bug. If all the cards in your graveyard are creatures, they all go into the fake hand zone and can not be used for foraging. If you have at least one non-creature, you still have a visible graveyard and can click to open it to forage as normal. This cost me a game today where I lost a full turn cycle with a tapped adept and not spending any mana since the UI failed to let me use the adept.
MudBeard#31391 commented
Also had this issue, though I was fortunate not to lose my game.
Mikey3146#90014 commented
I should have pointed out. For me this is on Windows.
SoIMBAGallade#25901 commented
Exact same experience, playing on mobile (android).
Arkanoid#60988 commented
Yeah I also had this problem. I think if you had noncreature cards you might be able to exile them as they aren't available to be played, unfortunately I foraged all my noncreature cards already for other purposes so I didn't get to test it out.