deckbox picture change
you cant change deck picture after the latest set became available. it says you can drag card picture to change deckbox but nothing happens. when new set and rotation comes lots of new decks but because you cant change the picture its hard to remember whitich deck is whitch

infinitedraw#72725 commented
I found a work-around if it's important to you...
Export your deck, paste into Notepad (or whatever basic text editor you use). Now move whatever card in your deck you want to have as the deck art as the top listed card.
Remove the extra spaces that maybe you cut the line out of (for example I moved "2 Gaea's Blessing (DAR) 161" to my top line under the word 'Deck'.
Now select-all and copy that text. Back to arena and Import a Deck. Your deck art should be fixed. -
Skarne#57527 commented
I've noticed that I can drag a card to set the deckbox image the first time I open the Deck Editor after launching Arena. Every time after I leave and come back to the Deck Editor, nothing happens when I drag the card to the deckbox.