Can’t sideboard
I’ve been playing bo3 Timeless matches on iPad and I am unable to sideboard at all between games after the latest patch. I click on cards in my sideboard to add them and it doesn’t add them. After game 1 I am sometimes able to sideboard normally, but never after game 2. Sometimes I’m able to remove cards from the deck but I’m unable to add any back in, even the ones I’d just removed. When this happens all I can do is restart MTGA, which doesn’t fix the problem but it at least resets my deck to 60 cards again so I can submit a legal deck and don’t need to wait for the timer to tick down. I’ve been unable to replicate the conditions that cause this to occur or not, but I’d say most of the time I am unable to sideboard after game 1 and never after game 2, and sideboardinggmae 1 seems to be broken more often than it works. I’ve mostly been playing decks with Lurrus as my companion, but I’ve also run into this problem with a Yorion companion.

Sain#21680 commented
Appears whenever there's a disconnection/requiring a restart and rejoin the sideboard becomes unusable for me
SibaSt#36896 commented
It's getting ridiculous that this bug is not fixed. We are not talking about some small annoying bug that only makes things uncomfortable, we are talking about a huge problem that ruins BO3 which is the default competitive format!
daft404#87281 commented
Why is this still around? Does WotC just not care? Bo3 is fundamentally unplayable without sideboarding, or with asymmetrical sideboarding (which I suspect is what happens more often than not).
Oppuzzor#50601 commented
I do have the same problems! Really annoying. Please fix. I play on Android Pixel 7 Pro.
Kenshin#87281 commented
I am having similar problems for months now and it is getting worse and worse (as in more and more frequent). I repaired the game files, I reinstalled. Nothing helped. When the game has connection issues instead of actually waiting for a reconnection to the server the game kicks me to main screen. When I reconnect, I get taken back to my active match but I can't sideboard anymore. This has ruined so many matches by now I am about to quit arena alltogether until this is fixed. It is just extremely frustrating...
willypimpernel#42311 commented
Exact same experience on iPad, more frequently a problem after game 2. Either I remove cards and am unable to add, or I can do both but I get an error saying either too few or too many cards in my deck, when the number is the same as before sideboard.
rapha.eth#10418 commented
I'm encountering the same issue.
I'm on Mac. I had the same problem a few months ago but then it disappeared again.
Now it's back and it's annoying as ****. -
Ice-pro#92794 commented
Can't sideboard any format on Windows PC.
seryosongoso#60378 commented
Experienced this myself on android Pixel 7. Can't believe this is still open as of December 2024.
jummo#04528 commented
Can't sideboard in my ranked Bo3 standard match on Mac. Lost the match because of it.
Darkrei#27036 commented
Can't sideboard on android either.
DarkPine#48840 commented
Experiencing on Windows 10. Quite frustrating
clircrazy#10044 commented
Can confirm this bug on Android phone, Linux system (running under Wine) and Win 10
brain_hanso#30270 commented
This happened to me THREE TIMES while playing on Windows 11! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for the love of God FIX THIS. nothing sucks more than knowing you've got a solid sideboard plan against a specific deck, only to be COMPLETELY UNABLE to add or remove cards from my dang sideboard, clicking furiously to no avail. FIX THIS!!!
AzazelSlayer#54685 commented
Seems this bug is back, I got hit with it twice tonight in bo4 standard games, It just refuses to allow me to sideboard at all, Try restarting etc but it wont let me at all. Not sure where they are investing there money but its not in Arena or making it work properly.
RafaMartinelli#40366 commented
"This bug has been ruining the MTGA experience for MONTHS. Unacceptable and embarrassing"
Exactly, this is what I was going to mention. Have it fixed ASAP, it's been around for quite some time!
Nixie#01236 commented
This bug has been ruining the MTGA experience for MONTHS. Unacceptable and embarrassing
Ostriches#35653 commented
This is still happening to me. Like 1 in every 5 games. Android and PC. I'm about ready to stop playing Arena.
Tagazake#85146 commented
This happened to me aswell im also playing timeless and its just ridiculous, if you run against show and tell and this happens to you, you automatically lost the game
FreshMaker#20449 commented
Also having this issue. It's made traditional quite difficult. Experiencing it on iOS and macOS