Mastery icon
When you claim your mastery orb in Bloomburrow Mastery Emporium and as a result have 0, the indicator icon says you still have a mastery orb to claim when you go return to the main menu. You have to go back into the mastery orb menu after you've claimed it for it to vanish.

PeppermintLarry#21287 commented
This remains a bug with each new mastery pass. After you spend the orb, your mastery pass tab is still it up and the mastery orb tab in there is still lit up until you click into both again to reset them.
Additionally, it also relights up the store tab after using a mastery orb.
phlegm#16279 commented
To elaborate, you'll get a mastery orb, and spend it, leaving you with zero. The menu item of "mastery" remains highlighted, and clicking on it brings to you the mastery area, showing "spend orbs" highlighted, even though you no longer have any.