all cards of a set, ranked edh and first time rules!
Hello dear Wizards Team ♥
I would love the following:
CRITICAL: please, finally, bring all cards that have been printed ever, to Arena, and with that I don't only mean black lotus but also cards like Kiki Jiki.. and just make it easy for us and bring them all - please please please!! ♥
if you are afraid, that we would stop buy real cards.. are you nuts? never would that happen! they are so much better than a pc game. But the pc game might just be more enjoyable if you could play all the original cards too C=
So that being said, there are 2 other things I would love to see:
as everyone else here: a ranked brawl/EDH mod
I just wathced a video where they played the original 1st rules of MTG:
no muligan, no card number limit, no limit to card sets, 40 cards and playing paper scissors rock who starts.. would have a nice mod if the background also would look vintage and you actually need to play paper scissors rock to decide who starts :D