I think a good improvement would be to be able to choose a deck for sparky to use instead of the random color decks, for instance, we can pick among premade deck types, I.E. aggro, control, mill, etc. that way when we build a deck to answer another deck type we can go to sparky and test it out and see how it preforms and make changes if need be. Another improvement idea i have is to be able to change her difficulty settings. like if we want to see what our deck can do when it pops off we can set her difficulty low so she has little to no interactions as to leave key cards on the battlefield without destroying them or anything. and if we want a challenge and see if our decks can hang with some of the more powerful decks, we can set her difficulty up to where it feels like we are playing a person in the world tour tournament. i think these changes can help improve deck crafting and bring a little more excitement to the game. thank you for your time.