Please take action against un-fun cards and decks
Hello again! Whoever is reading this, I hope you are well. I would like to request that the most un-fun cards and decks be banned or reduced in power. I'm writing in regards to Standard and Alchemy.
It is miserable playing against the powerful Rabbit decks. None of my decks can win against them, and I usually get overwhelmed during the first few turns. Please ban some combination of Valley Questcaller, Pawpatch Recruit and/or Hop to It.
The mono-red aggro decks make for a play experience that is counter to what Magic is supposed to be. Banning Leyline in BO1 was not enough. Please ban Slickshot Show-off and/or Monstrous Rage.
The "battle cruiser" version of Azorius Enchantments is awful to play against. A creature that has ward and quickly becomes a 9/8 with flying and/or first strike is unstoppable for some decks, especially red and green decks. Please ban Ethereal Armor.
Forced discard is one of the most un-fun effects in Magic. When I build a deck, I want to be able to play my cards. Getting cards stripped from my hand is miserable. Please ban Bandit's Talent, Duress and Liliana of the Veil, and please stop printing cards with forced discard effects. Also, please start phasing counterspells out of Magic, at least at common and uncommon. Getting your spells countered feels terrible. I want to play my cards! Blue has so many other ways of dealing with threats - bounce, steal, copy, lock down and minimize (such as Sugar Coat or Unable to Scream) - that it doesn't need counterspells. Please make Magic more fun by making control decks a thing of the past. Mark Rosewater has said that the majority of players don't like counterspells.
Additionally, there are other cards that provide a very miserable play experience. Magic is supposed to be fun, but these cards ruin the game. They include:
1. Sheoldred, the Apocalpyse - Players shouldn't get punished for having a draw step. It feels terrible.
2. All Heist cards. Getting your own cards taken (sometimes every turn) feels terrible and is not fun. Magic should encourage players to build creative decks, not just decks that steal the other player's cards.
3. Sheltered by Ghosts - I hate this card. If it gets played during the first few turns of the game, it can be impossible to overcome. It's way too swingy.
4. Other swingy cards that have ridiculous and un-fun effects. These include Virtue of Persistence, Sheoldred (the Saga specifically) and Breach the Multiverse. Again, getting your cards stolen feels awful, and the effects are just over the top. A very powerful effect that gets repeated every turn is miserable to play against. Abhorrent Oculus falls in this category too. Getting a creature every turn is too powerful.
Every day, I have to auto-concede multiple times because I face cards and decks that give me a horrible play experience and which I cannot beat. I try to build good, powerful decks that I enjoy playing, but even my best decks cannot beat some of the cards and synergies out there. It's very frustrating.
Thanks for listening!