Foundations Decks have missing cards
I just updated the game today and got the New Player Decks on my Inbox, but I didn't get all the copies of the cards on the decks and as such some have missing cards. For example the Path of Power deck is missing Temple of Abandon

Burzmali#67938 commented
Same as others, some of my foundations decks are missing cards that I have 4x of from other sets. One deck is missing 3 cards, and 5 other decks are each missing one.
PeppermintLarry#21287 commented
Same, each deck is missing at least one card and some two, confirmed they are all cards I own 4x copies of in other printings, but not necessarily the same art
Shurul#90619 commented
Same issue here. Missing some cards.
ぷんぷん#39833 commented
My account is also having the same problem. This is about "Felidar Retreat" and "Phyrexian Arena".
SirLanik#91962 commented
Same problem here, but different cards. Cards that I already have a playset of (such as Giada) I don't receive the new Foundations copy of the card. Meaning that's one extra copy of a rare I already have that I have to collect. (Which everyone else has for free.)
Titobaube#84797 commented
Same here, missing 21 rares. It's like there was a bug with the duplicate protection that kicks in when you already have 4 copies of rares/mythics.
Vardel#51602 commented
This has to be a bug right? I can’t imagine Wizards not giving cards to all players especially since the cards have different art. Can’t even use these new decks to play in standard… Missing a Doubling Season and getting punished for opening lots of packs in the past seems like a bad idea.
likelyculprit#54576 commented
Having this same issue. scry lands and a couple other cards
Teroh#93653 commented
In case somebody wonders why this is such a big deal. It has to deal with opening Foundations Packs, not receiving those cards in the precons means that after openning a bunch of boosters you can get even more copies of cards already owned instead of charging the Vault.
Teroh#93653 commented
Thanks for the feedback, I just checked my collection and can confirm the issue occurs when having 4 copies of the card, no matter if it is in a single set or different sets, I got two copies of each previous release of Malady and Triumph, and I also have 1 and 3 copies of Mystery and did not receive the new one.
Roseknight#78882 commented
Can corroborate; It appears we do not receive the deck copy for rare reprints that we already had a playset of (confirmed for Immerstrum Predator from B/R, and Felidar Retreat from Cats)
oryxgazella#44694 commented
I had a look at the missing card (was only one in one deck) and it happened that I had all four of that rare in another edition. (Death Baron in Undead resurgence)
i.e. I was supposed to be given a foundations Death Baron, but instead received none. Could it be that you already have temple of abandon from Theros Beyond Death? Still this is a bug and I think I am impacted too. Albeit only with the one card.