"Stylish Spellslinger" Achievement Not Triggering
I played a game with four Cosmetics equipped and did not receive the Achievement.

jhgod#31084 commented
they still have not fixed this
volberg#10096 commented
Me too. I even tried the "special" cosmetics, not the regular full art ones and had 4 different cards out at the same time. But nothing.
Sylvain#99588 commented
Same here. Like koieokei#37186, I made a deck with only cosmetics and it did not help.
koieokei#37186 commented
Not working for me as well. Tried various different decks and even constructed a deck with just cosmetics.
Ardicius#56887 commented
Just weighing in to voice that I also am still having this problem.
Jameroni#57233 commented
Same problem here. Several games with ONLY cosmetics equipped even. Vs players and bot both... Winning/losing/etc. Making sure I PLAY 4 different ones even. This achievement will not trigger for me.
DanQuixote#27932 commented
Same problem here - I've played several games with more than 4 cosmetics in use (sleeve, avatar, title, companion, stickers and phrases, plus card cosmetics (which may or may not count)) and have not received the achievement.