rigged matchmaking
Playing a deck with no rares/mythics in normal, I keep getting matched up against players whose deck is full of rares/mythics.
All this in normal standard games.
Imagine how garbage the matchmaking is in this ****** game. I've won like 5/23 games with this budget deck due to bad matchmaking, ****** hands and draws, etc.
A shameful system, if you're not a whale, a youtuber or someone with influence in general this game is absolute garbage and not worth a cent, remember that before putting a measly money into this manipulative ****** company.
No matter what they say on any forum, they are manipulated by the people of this company as they do in all video games.
The algorithm remains unchanged, a complete disgrace, vote with your wallet, don't put money into this highly manipulated game.

Viscotel#29602 commented