Ban all Alchemy cards in Brawl format
When I play Brawl I sometimes play against decks that use Alchemy cards. These cards ruin the entire format. I'm talking about cards like Oracle of the Alpha and Goblin Influx Array. These cards give an unfair advantage. It's for a reason that the power nine are not legal in every format. Because when you play the power nine you have an unfair advantage. With Goblin Influx Array you can conjure a Goblin card in your hand each turn. The goblins are also cheaper so it's not difficult to play out these Goblins. These are just two examples of Alchemy cards that ruin the game.
The Alchemy cards should be banned in Brawl format. In this way it's not fun to play Brawl.
On posting this topic I saw more than 10 topics of people that feel the same way about Alchemy cards in Brawl and also Historic. Now is the time to ban the Alchemy cards from these formats. Otherwise the entire game is ruined !!