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7 results found
2 votesresound#47941 supported this idea ·
8 votesresound#47941 supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment resound#47941 supported this idea · -
6 votesresound#47941 shared this idea ·
48 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment resound#47941 commentedSeriously. This card allows a player to have an endless turn.
resound#47941 supported this idea · -
942 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment resound#47941 commentedHow is it conceivable that my opponent played three Wedding Announcements in a row from a deck with one hundred card?
He had three lands and an endless supply of increasingly powerful token creatures. One might think the shuffler is broken.
resound#47941 supported this idea · -
7 votesresound#47941 shared this idea ·
In had the same issue. Ward should not work until the creature is on the battlefield.