since yesterday after your update you can not play standard ranked I have tried but people have figured out how to play cards that are no longer standard legal they have rotated or are banned cards. I have lost trying to play but going up agaianst lynalor elf rekindiling phynix once upon a time just doesn't get it very unfair. I am not playing pioneer I am playing in standard ranked best of 3 wow I guess you all just can't help but give people every way6 you can to cheat. As if you all rigging the shuffler wasn't enough than giving people pets and not closing off loophole for people to cheat like clicking buttons wasn't enough for ya now this. these people that are doing this know exactly what they are doing is cheating due to your incompetent ability to update and fix issues. this has been going on since yesterdays maintenance. lol what was the maintenance to build in way for people to cheat others out of a fair game of standard? I think you already built that in with your rigged fucking shuffler. It seems as all you all keep doing is finding ways to promote cheating. So fucking nice of you all. So people like me who try to have a fair game of magic as fair as it CAN BE WITH YOUR RIGGED BULLSHIT SHUFFLER GETS TO LOSE IN RANKED BECAUSE WE CHOSE NOT TO CHEAT. N EVER i GIVE A LOG OF IT IT WILL NOT LET ME POST IT i ERROR 500 WHOOPS TS NOT SA. TO HAPPEN THIS HAPPENED YESTERDAY TOO WHEN I TRIED TO POST IT.
gruntlife#98475 commented
no this is a big issue players playing with cheating cards in ranked and standard play no historic have historic cards in there deck i see it all the time esp mystical archive which is historic for one and if you select only standard rank cards they are gone sooo yes players are cheating with those cards
CopyYourDeckOnline#29296 commented
Yasharn, Implacable Earth.
Was marked illegal before the update.
Now it's playable again, you see it's misuse.
Once more, completely blocking any deck that works on sacrifice and/or life resource spending.
Preventing said deck, from performing a single action.
Might as well have the card say: "Exile your opponents' entire deck".
It comes down to the exact same thing.Destroying any fair match.
Makes us feel cheated upon.This card was banned/illegal for a good reason.
And this is one of them.
Now you see cheaters, running with 4 illegal cards, non-stop. -
TheMansh#60511 commented
You were playing the historic queue
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