Mastery Pass Mythic Individual Card Reward not beeing awarded/displayed
Please merge with "Mastery Pass Mythic Individual Card Reward not beeing awarded/displayed ".
Upon completing my game against a green deck I was not awarded my Mythic Card Reward for completing level 56 of the Mastery Pass Rewards.

fuquHasbro#20835 commented
Same. Recieved no mythic Card reward After completing lvl 56 although i Have purchased the Masters pass! I Want my Money back !
Valor!#14766 commented
I have the same issue, the customer support is trash, only bots answer the same thing over and over again, really ****** customer service.
Elwood#55418 commented
same here
ortayol#45912 commented
Upon completing mastery pass levels after 70 couple of times, I was not awarded my Uncommon Card Rewards. There were no displays and I suspect there were not awarded.
Fireshrieker#04471 commented
I've had this issue with the March of the Machines Mastery. I bought the Mastery Pass, but I noticed I wasn't getting the Mythic card rewards. I double-checked collection to see if it just didn't display but it wasn't there, and I didn't receive a wildcard either. Several levels this Mastery with Mythic ICR, so definitely missing out on a lot of promised (and paid-for) rewards. Log is from Level 62 completion.
Jenova__Witness#88676 commented
I'm having the issue currently as well.
Slanesh#65644 commented
Same issue both on pc and ios. I am not actually sure if I'm getting any ICR's and if they get upgraded to rare - I have no way of knowing. It's like the levels don't matter anymore.
GingFreecss#56185 commented
Same issue after leveling up. Noticed after leveling up to 66, and confirming at level 72. Have no recollection of actually getting any Mythic Card reward from this Mastery Pass.
Thanks in advance.
MichaelU#29635 commented
Had this happen to me with the Brothers War mastery pass, should have received 3 mythic wildcards and have got none.
King Marco#90260 commented
Happened to
Me as well, I didnt receive the Mythic card for the Mastery pass for New capenna, nor did I receive a wildcard slot for mythic.It happened at lvl 8-11,20 and 25. I didnt have the mastery pass for lvl8 and 11 but did not receive them after buying it either.
Edit: I am on ios, any way to get these back?
tigrezno#93773 commented
Just a clarification guys, I also thought I wasn't receiving my mythic card reward but I really did.
The thing is that with the mythic reward from the paid mastery you also receive a pack with the free mastery. This FREE pack will 100% have a mythic wildcard.
That's your mythic reward.
Shorta42#74934 commented
Also not receiving uncommon card rewards for level 90+ on the mastery pass.
Benoitv91#83895 commented
Hi, i have the same issue with the new mastery pass. It seems that i didn't receive any mythic card, and i don't think it has been converted into wild card. What can i do to get those rewards?
Thanks in advance!
coasthugger#35799 commented
Same, on iOS.
In addition, the most recent card style reward was not granted either.
blackheart#17507 commented
mastery pass mythic card reward not displayed after level 90
Uvogin#97816 commented
I just boought the mastery pass primarily to get wild cards it said I had earned and finish some new decks. however, the cards were never awarded, when I purchased the mastery.
ARDITI_1-SHI#45051 commented
Did not receive the 2 mythic reward cards nor the 2 uncommon ones for completing level 21 on the mastery path.
chucklemation#82488 commented
I was awarded an uncommon after hitting level 44, and not a mythic like the mastery pass promised.
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piRSquared#95629 commented
I didn't receive my level 75 reward. I may have missed other rewards as well but I definitely noticed level 75.