Sepi1337#11139 commented
This keeps happening at random times when I have instants or flash spells and mana up when I declare blockers. Usually it hold priority but sometimes when the mana is coming from mana dorks it skips as if they're mana ability isn't instant. I've checked for cards in play that would prevent me casting, but the bite spell was holding priority during the opponent's main and declare attackers phase and steps. So it definitely is an issue where the declare blockers step and damage step transitions are not processing priority correctly for odd reasons.
This has ruined multiple combos that drastically altered the outcome of matches where I should have been removing an unblocked creature with a bite spell buffing up a creature with lifelink creating a massive gap in board state and life totals 2 for 1ing a creature trade and double lifelink damages that should have been in my favor.
I wish I could attach my log file but playing over 10,000 games a year the file can't be uploaded with the tiny restriction they have on the file size. But it keeps happening with mana dorks declared as blockers that the step priority gets skipped. That has been consistent.
Cogwheel#48107 commented
I had This Town Ain't Big Enough, an instant which would return my blocker to my hand. I had 2 mana (one blue) available for the reduced cost for casting on my own creature but didn't get the chance.
[Deleted User] commented
Myrel and Kutzil are cards that don't allow you to cast spells during ypur opponent's turn.
Feorian#05075 commented
After blockers declared, I had enough land to cast an instant that would save my blocking creature and destroy the attacker, instead the game went right into damage. This has happened now 3 times today and has failed to allow me to cast an instant before the damage phase.
Toocoofoskoo#04099 commented
same thing happened to me multiple times. Game is broken... hard to believe any of the winners truly won? Guess it depends on your definition
Tarik ThunderStorm#58908 commented
So, I have some instants that I do NOT want to use almost ever, in my hand, but the stupid game at every single time tries to get me to use them, but when I want to use an instant that I DO WANT TO USE, it just skips to damage directly!! Like that black card, forgot what it is called, that gives -1/-1 to an enemy creature. I had two and with my blocking creature, I could have killed his main creature and won the **** game, instead it skipped right to damage phase. This sucks donkey balls!
gossgoose#81490 commented
happened to me just now causing loss of game. What is the compensation for this?
Kai-El#09529 commented
multiple games trying to sacrifice my blocking creature after blockers declared during Damage phase using something like Tend the Pests or Deadly Dispute, damage is dealt during phase and I'm not able to cast any instants
PC, current version of WIn10
multiple games trying to sacrifice my blocking creature after blockers declared during Damage phase using something like Tend the Pests or Deadly Dispute, damage is dealt during phase and I'm not able to cast any instants
being able to cast instants during the Damage phase after declaring blockers
s̶e̶e̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶h̶e̶d̶ ̶L̶o̶g̶ can't attach the Log despite multiple attempts because your website is apparently from 2002 and doesn't have modern functions that anyone that takes a 1 hour Wordpress class would be able to implement. Just add an in game report button already, with all the money Hasbro has you should be able to do this
no work around, basic part of the game not functioning properly and has cost me a win on multiple games, very frustrating -
Cupcake#39945 commented
Ive lost many games because of this
bloodstorm#82218 commented
Still affects me. Happend to me multiple times on Android and Mac
badgerhoneyx#33608 commented
I'm having the same problem. I have an instant that pumps up a blocker and the MTGA app won't allow me to play it. It is the Tactical Advantage in the White Deck, +2/+2 to target blocker I control.
crimson30#37420 commented
Same. I declared blockers and it went straight to damage without any opportunity to use Skirk Prospector so that lifelink on opponent's creature wouldn't trigger. Instead, opponent gained 10 life... thanks Arena.
Escantia#25310 commented
Couldn't respond to declare blockers. Was going to sacrifice my Muxus to prevent Obliterator getting dealt damage. Was never given priority and had to sac all my permanents, losing me the game.
Necromanek#56135 commented
Unable to cast Light of Hope after declaring blockers. 3 available mana, basically nothing on the table, definitely not cards which would prevent it like Teferi. I lost the game and money because it was a part of Standard Metagame Challenge.
Necromanek#56135 commented
Unable to cast Light of Hope after declaring blockers. 3 available mana, basically nothing on the table, definitely not cards which would prevent it like Teferi. I lost the game and money because it was a part of Standard Metagame Challenge.
The file has 98 MB, can't send it here due to your limitations.
korbynn#73812 commented
This is now getting really annoying. Last couple of games I could have won the game if i could only cast the instants. Are punishing red decks?? This has not only happened with my white red deck but others. It is quite pronounced with this deck.
Goti13#90297 commented
Same issue experienced here. Lost the game because of it. Very frustrating.
BBQBurger#73955 commented
Had the same problem. I had a few instants in hand and many free lands to tap, selected my blocker, confirmed my blocker choice. The damage was dealt instantly, and i couldn't cast any spells (wanted to give my creature +7 +7 and cast fling). In the same match earlier i was able to give my creature +7+7 with the instant i don't know the english name (costs 1 white mana) after declaring blockers. My creature died and i got mad.
So random ...
Skitterskulk#22930 commented
Yeah, infuriate and shock not allowing me to cast in combat frequently
keyofD6#43135 commented
Yep--lost a game because I swung out and didn't have the opportunity to cast infuriate on my heroic creature in Theros draft. Nothing on board had protection, and there was obviously no Teferi. I had way more than enough Mana up. Lost on the backswing.