Game got stuck after opponent timed out
Opponent not losing game after timing out. I'm playing a game in traditional draft and my opponent decided to quit mid game (before losing). Captured the log. Don't want to concede because then I might lose the match.

lifeten#73749 commented
same thing happened to me
ElectroVolts#64535 commented
same problem here. Opponent timed out in a draft and the game just stucked there.
Jingking#24771 commented
Same Problem during a premier draft event.
Had to concede or close the window to get out. -
Wolfizen#62500 commented
Same problem. Historic match, opponent timed out after using all timeouts. Game stuck after they should have lost.
Game version: 2021.10.0.3913.893514
Lukekaze#86251 commented
I think the opponent is a cheater, can't do anything after opponent's time out
naturemaven#56413 commented
Historic match. Received message of Network Error
CaptainCrash#98032 commented
Playing Traditional draft, game is stuck on opponents turn
KingMagnus#84413 commented
Man! why does this keep happening.
fredyfredburger#99328 commented
Same problem
StopPrintingHumans#85528 commented
I have a game going where I am waiting for my opponent to decide to play first or not or mulligan and its been sitting here for 5 minutes, so I believe they have timed out and things are frozen.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
ripperpuck#26833 commented
My opponent timed out and the screen is frozen on a blue hourglass. I don't want to concede since it's a standard game.
Inkblob#04430 commented
I got into the match and completed my mulligan step. My opponent did not do anything and ran out of time on the first timer. Now the game is frozen in a state like its waiting for a timer to run out. The red timer hourglass is up on the screen and there is a black shadow effect around the edges of the screen.
Master Evok#91035 commented
While playing Theros Sealed my opponent used their first time extension and the game froze instead of using their second! It's been frozen for about ten minutes with me able to do nothing but exit the application. It would suck if this counted as a loss, because you only get three losses for sealed events! I attached the files the game recommended and a screen shot if it helps.