Game suddenly has me defeated out of nowhere even if I won first game and was winning second game!
Game suddenly has me defeated out of nowhere even if I won first game and was winning second game!

JakeFlash#53396 commented
Just happened to me.
Clearly winning game 3 in a draft and suddenly, defeat out of nowhere.
Shinta1287#47730 commented
Just happened to me.... 7/31/22 633AM EST. MTGA bugged out and I was RANDOMLY defeated during the Arena Open - Day 1 Traditional Event
We were in the middle of Match 3 of 3 of the Traditional Match, so there was a lot on the line in terms of progressing through the Event or being Defeated since the Event ends after only 1 loss. It was my turn and I was going to play out a creature onto the battlefield when MTGA bugged out and I was randomly defeated. There was no timer that displayed indicating that I was playing too slow and that my turn would be skipped. I had 13 or 14 HP remaining so I wasn't killed by my opponent. I did not concede through the menu or any other random hotkey. As I said, I was playing out a creature when suddenly MTGA randomly defeated me. There's no other reason I can think of why this may have happened, but please enlighten me. This was the first time that it actually happened to me and I've been playing MTGA since launch.
One thing I just remembered while pulling up the Log Files, was that MTGA music and sound effects weren't playing properly for about 5-10 minutes or so before I was wrongly defeated. I'm not sure if there's any correlation there, but I just thought I'd mention it. All of the MTGA's BGM and sound effects (land tapping, creature entry, creature death, etc.) were playing fine for the first 20-30 minutes of the Traditional Match and then it suddenly stopped playing for about 5-10 minutes before I was wrongly defeated.
As you know, it costs 5000 gems to participate in the Event so I'm expecting some sort of compensation for this hopefully because it takes a long time to obtain and/or money to purchase that amount of gems. PLEASE make this right somehow, because it SUCKS (this is kindly stating it) to be wrongly defeated by a bug in the game, especially when there's something at stake.
Brasky1142#33917 commented
I just experienced this same thing. Was in a middle of a match and out of nowhere my portrait blew up for no reason and I was given a defeat.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Kickaha#79943 commented
In this state, I was suddenly defeated. If you are bag or cheat, I would like to return the standard event fee of 1000.
franklyme#63494 commented
Experienced the same just now while playing metagame challenge
franklyme#63494 commented
I was 1-0 up in the match and the second game just started.
I was using Kazuul's fury sacrificing a solemn simulacrum to kill a Lotus Cobra. all of a sudden the game tells me "defeat". I thought it was weird but figured i'd have another game in this match, but when I return expecting to see my sideboard I am out of the challenge with 1 match loss.