Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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BaneFalcon#42786 commented
Had this with the Sparky patch, was off game for over a week, got it back up last Friday... and now it's doing this again. I've done the following:
Fresh install
Cleared cache/data/regedit
Restart computer
Restart router
Computer name not having weird characters
Language set to whatever the beta thing was someone suggested
Direct client instead of steam
so many other reiterations of uninstall, delete cache and registry, restart, reinstall
VPN to force update - works to get me online, then only works when on vpn. turn off vpn, back to the same error.I'm at a loss, now.
garbsmartins#95739 commented
I had this same issue. Solved it by using a VPN.
I used TunnelBear, it has a free version that allows you to update the game. -
Cyrath#06242 commented
Do we have a solution to this issue yet?
Ive tried adjusting the time as suggested below but that didnt work sadly. Has stopped working on 2 pcs and my laptop with same error
Khan#14397 commented
Still having this problem on iOS, anyone else struggling? It's not the name of the device that's causing it.
Musiicy#91165 commented
I had a different issue - I was stuck at "initializing localization datatbase" which was a big hint from the start that this was a language-based issue.
After looking at the log file and messing with the problematic manifest file, I got to the "Error updating data" instead.At this point, and after reading the workaround from kazzig#14858 I followed his steps, but also turned EVERYTHING I could from French (I live in France) to English - United States (except for Windows Display Language, and Voice.)
Rebooted as prompted, and I got past the issue !While I'm downloading the update, here's some data that could maybe help figuring out why the issue is really happening ...
- Windows 10 user
- Fresh MTGA install (right after I first got stuck loading - uninstalled every version, and cleaned every leftover folder, including every appdata subfolder)
- Game language was set to English. I believe that was my last setting after doing some deck importing/exporting, because I usually prefer to have it in French.- I tried the mobile app and NO ISSUE in there. Game language set to FRENCH.
- Once the game was updated, I went to my Decks, and one of them - a Brawl deck with Rygo as a commander - was showing 1 invalid card. Upon editing the deck, it highlighted NO card as being problematic; back to the Decks menu, warning picto was gone, as if none of this ever happened ... what ?!I'm waiting for the game to finish updating before trying to turn everything back to my native language (including all of those Windows settings) to see how things go. I'll update here !
Thunaer#55240 commented
Windows 11
God Marduk#75031 commented
Everyone who has this error should check what version of windows they use,
I finally got MTG Arena working after updating my computer windows 8.1 into windows 10...
Maybe older 8.1 and versions don't work anymore after 26th update, and Wizards don't know it
or forgot to mention it...but for me all is good after updating...All the best to All -
BaneFalcon#42786 commented
Got a fix for mine on reddit. uninstall/reinstall didn't clear this part out:
41 min. agoHave you treid clearing the AppData and the Registry
C:\Users\hattorihanzo\AppData\LocalLow\Wizards Of The Coast
Run command "regedit" go here. Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wizards Of The Coast\MTGA
Wolfytopia#70806 commented
I've been having this problem for a while too. I tried all the things, deleting the files manually, using the unintstall built in, Kazzigs thing. Installing it on epic games instead, but none of it has worked. I know it's not my internet too since this isn't happening for my brother or his account and we have computers that are basically copies of each other, same windows 10, same processor, pcu, ram etc
Wasen#59801 commented
I've got the same problem. I've tried kazzig's solution but sadly it doesn't work on my computer.
Khan#14397 commented
Has anyone found a solution to this for iOS? I've tried restarting phone, uninstalling the app and redownloading, nothing works.
kazzig#14858 commented
Hey folks, glad to see my solution reached at least some of you. No need for any medals, that's what the Magic players' community is here for!
King Targaryen#50871 commented
kazzig#14858 thank you very much, it worked in windows 10, not the same path as you said, but the base of the problem is there. i've done what you said, restarted the windows, and the game is updating (8.10GB)
Someone give a statue to this man, i'm at 6 days with this problem and now is working (updating) :-) -
Kujaki#88841 commented
kazzig#14858 the hero we needed. thank you so much! Is there an option to honor someone for wizards to reward them?
God Marduk#75031 commented
What version of Windows you all got? Is there someone with Windows 8.1 who can play MTG Arena?
Maybe Wizards put a curse on old systems, they seem to be globalist artifact technocrats! -
God Marduk#75031 commented
Thanks kazzig#14858, but didn't work for me. Thunaer#55240 what version of Windows you're running? I got Windows 8.1
Is there people with Windows 8.1 who can play MTG Arena? Maybe Wizards put a spell on Windows 8.1
and I just can't counter it. I put a curse on you Wizards if you did that! You made me a black sorcerer now, used to white blue. Maybe I have to sacrifice my old computer and a summon big creature to eat all Wizards of the Coast! -
Thunaer#55240 commented
@kazzig#14858 It works! Thank you very much!
TechnoVikingMan#10335 commented
Game gets stuck on "Error Updating Data" screen. Re-installing didn't fix it. Bug appears on all platforms available to me.
Edit: Was able to play briefly but now bug is appearing again with no change in setup
Arno1974#52034 commented
As said earlier in this thread:
Same issue on PC (from the Jan 26th patch/update?)! -
kazzig#14858 commented
Ok guys, you need to be very tough, but I got it working - HOLY ****.
If you are on Windows 11 and stuck at the initial screen with "error updating data - please check your connection and try again" then stick to my words now (translation might not be 100% correct, I am running the German Windows 11 version):1. Go to Settings
2. Time and Language
3. Language and Region
4. Administrative Settings (This option is a bit further down)
5. Language for Unicode-incompatible programs / apps
6. Check mark after opening the region settings "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support."
7. Restart your system and smile forever :)