quest XP
I try to optimise my daily quest and weekly quest for the mastery pass.
I notice a problem with the XP rewards. In this screen exemple i won for the second time today (100 XP) and my eleven time this week (250 XP). I must had 350 XP and i only received 275 XP.
That's not the first time I reported 2 other bug : I only win 500 XP on my daily quest (for a 750 XP Quest).
I will lose my objectif of lvl 80 because of the rewards bug (I will reach only the lvl 79 tomorow).
What can i do ?

Waldgeist#61840 commented
You are confused between XP and gold rewards.
100 and 750 are gold rewards not XP's.
XP rewards are 500, 250 and 50 only.