Ooops something went wrong while updating
What the title says. I can't launch the game because it started updating. Then gave that error. Now gives that error every time I try to launch.

Côme#41054 commented
Me too I had this issue. I have to update the game because of the new version (message Outdated Client Version) but I can't update it, because when I use the MTGA launcher it starts downloading a new game. When it does so, after a few seconds this message appears "Oops! Something went wrong while updating"
Even if I reinstall it from the official website it does the same thing. Does one of you have an answer, please? -
Fr34k[az0!d]#77680 commented
I have the same problem. I tried direct update while starting. Updating via Steam, Updating via Link on HP. I tried to deinstall - and I get an error because the system didnt find the correct file. I tried to delete the files per hand. And so on .... BUT I still get the error! Would be great if anyone have an answer.
JayJ789#94461 commented
This "oops" message was the top-level error, but I was getting a lower-level error "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" when I tried to run the installer directly.
I followed a StackOverflow thread to this troubleshooting tool and used it. It fixed the problem, which appears to be a corrupted registry entry.
jiongjiongzj#62014 commented
Check this:
If it says "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource..." and require you to find a folder include the older version of .msi file, you can download it by editing the link and copy it to the folder which the application mentions. Now you can install or uninstall the game normally. -
CuddlySpider#07221 commented
In my case it was a bad download of the updater (the download got interrupted). After I deleted the contents of the ...\MTGA\MTGALauncher\Updates folder, the game launched successfully.
My guess is that it probably won't work for everyone, since the error message is so vague that I expect it to be the same for any error that could occur. Honestly, the only way to troubleshoot is to look at the log and figuring out what's going on from there.
Zeneroth#20001 commented
Parse the MTGAInstall.log file in the log folder. Find the https: URL that ends in .msi paste it into your browser, it will download the .msi run the .msi file.
Slapbox#85736 commented
You MUST install to a new directory. It doesn't seem to matter what the permissions of the old directory are, or were, or if you delete it entirely. Maybe something is screwed up in the registry.
BrunoDavi#92592 commented
Same problem here
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.
Slapbox#85736 commented
Also, it's kind of crazy that this has been reported for literally months and there's no response from the MTGA team? I'm not sure I understand the purpose of this bug tracker.
Slapbox#85736 commented
Same issue. Tried uninstalling and deleting the original installation and downloading anew, but can't fix it.
overshell#93587 commented
still cant play the game get the same error code on 11 july 2020 so yer if not sorted soon i will be telling everyone at my game venu to leave well alone and spread the word not to even give the game a chance because if they cant get a update wright he what's the point of the online game
SliverAAA#36542 commented
Dito. Any Ideas?
aRune#83714 commented
update is progressing without error this morning - opened the app from search, rather than the shortcut - this may have helped....thanks Nefartious#32793
EGREGIOUSLYGREG#09415 commented
I'm also having this problem as of June 27, 2020!
Tyboon#72956 commented
I've also had this problem since the recent update. Super frustrating!
Nefartious#32793 commented
In case this helps anyone else, my problem was how I started the launcher. I use a 3rd-party app for hotkeys. This always yielded the error. When I opened it from the shortcut from search, it updated, and my hotkeys worked again.
Maia#11918 commented
The game prompted me to restart it for an update two yesterday. I did so and now I can't open it at all! I open the launcher it says "Installing update 1 of 1, copying new files" the little green bar goes about 1/5th of the way then it crashes and throws up "Oops, something went wrong while updating. Please close MTGA Launcher and try again.". I've restarted my computer, tried to uninstall and reinstall it multiple times, the same thing always happens.