Unable to save selection for default card style from collection screen
Reproduction steps:
1) Click on Decks > Collection to browse cards
2) Click on a card with a custom style displayed
3) Choose the normal card style and click Select
4) Chosen style displays in collection
5) Close collection screen and go back to Home screen
6) Return to collection screen and navigate to the same card
Expected behavior: card remembers the style selected previously
Actual behavior: custom style is still displayed
Note: this is particularly inconvenient for Draft because the custom styles display in packs and cannot be disabled there.

badmalloc#60984 commented
hello, i was wondering if we might be able to get an update on this issue? is it a fix/feature that is planned? i was very carefully avoiding spending any mastery orbs or doing any events that award card styles so i could keep my wilds of eldraine draft set all matching, but the season just ended an it gave me two styles, which now show up as default in collection view and during. please, some way to disabled these? thanks.
FonKy-#58932 commented
Is it a bug ? you "select" the cardstyle in your collection but it doesn't really save.. (case when I have 2 unlocked cardstyles)
#Help wotc -
AlexTFish#48391 commented
This feature is particularly necessary because the Mastery Tree, for some bizarre reason, keeps offering borderless/animated styles for the exact same cards that also have Booster Fun alternate frames. If I want to get some later mastery reward, I have to pass by an animated style for a card that I've already got a nicer frame for - and then deckbuilding will always default to the animated style. If I manually set it to the nicer Booster Fun treatment, then the normally-useful "Apply Styles" button becomes a booby trap that unsets my deliberate choice back to the default animated frame!
Freyajack#09577 commented
I would really like to be able to turn off all non-default card styles in draft, as quick visual recognition of the cards is important.
Saikotsu#82950 commented
Given that the release notes for March of the Machine state under the section "Teaming Up for Another Feature" that we can now select favorite card styles to default to, and I'm unable to do so, this is definitely a repeatable bug. I've been wanting this feature since I got the special art of Adeline, Radiant Cathar and then the borderless style became her default. I also worked hard for the Dominus card art and deliberately didn't get the dominus borderless styles for the last couple because I didn't want to override the ichor styles I worked hard to earn.
swami212#40366 commented
When can we expect some progress in this area? The basic land default art selector is cool, why can't we have the same reliability with the other cards?
Titan#87181 commented
also wish the style would be remembered. I like the default motion card styles but some that alter the reading of the cards text, (ichor, cool but the text gets muddied) id like to switch off sometimes.
citizencr4#92453 commented
This is way too annoying. Sometimes I received card art styles that I don't like and the game keeps defaulting to them. Won't let me select the original art style as default at all.
Kiottuze#09639 commented
so annoying...
froggysaysoish#06429 commented
Bumping this, insane you still can't just save an art style to a card for all decks, especial;;u since it affects Limited, and especially since they used to push every unwanted art style on you
FlaktheFox#65840 commented
For the love of god, just give us a permament way to manually select and save preferred card styles when there are multiple options!
Ecks#04444 commented
Bumping this because it still happens and is easily replicable.
0026#34852 commented
I have a similar issue. After I set alternative style to faithless looting, it isn't applying to cards in game. I can't also set alternative art to deck image (in deck editor I see alternative art, but in tab "Decks" it's old ugly art).
Symfaer#37238 commented
This is still an issue. Different players have different tastes. E.g. I like most alternate styles, but don't like parallax styles at all. I'd like to turn parallax styles off permanently in collection view and in drafts. Right now I turn them off individually when I brew a new deck or build the deck in a draft. IT'S ANNOYING to do that every time, when it can easily be automated.
It's also the reason I'm hesitant when buying cosmetic bundles in the store. Like the AFR alternate dragon styles that is on offer right now. I'd buy it, if I could turn some of them off by default. As is, I have not spent my money yet and possibly won't bother. I like 4 or 5 out of the 10 card styles offered, so it would be an OK bargain for me, if not for the penalty of arts I DON'T like added.
rajnagar#78579 commented
Please implement this! I hate having to change the card styles for every single deck I build. Such a waste of time!
Mudge#85188 commented
Please add default card styles!
Stormfire#53544 commented
Okay - three months after I posted below, I have realized what was happening. When you are viewing cards in your Collection, whether it be for decks or just viewing, the style that will be there by default is always the LAST one you acquired. I have tried this out on multiples - if I get the showcase last, it will be the default on that screen. If you get the parallax style (and have showcase), that will be the one that displays here. The trick is that the selection seems to be DECK specific.
So build your deck, click the "Card Styles" button, select the one you want, and put it in your deck. This style is always remembered whenever you look or play with that deck. I know my issue this whole time was trying to get it to change to a different default when looking at collection - and it's because they do let you select a different one but if you exit out of that screen and come back it reverts to the LAST style acquired. It would be nice if changing that setting there would be saved (and also let me pick default lands instead of it always being the last one of those I acquired, too). This is the bug that is the heart of the confusion.
Many people probably figured the deck part out but since it wasn't changing in the default collection I just didn't bother to play around with it much when building the deck as I was thinking it wouldn't be saved there either. At least now when I play I am seeing the correct style. I only started playing Arena in July 2020, and I thought this info might be useful for anyone new.
Stormfire#53544 commented
Yes this issue still lives on after like a year which is fairly surprising.
t1ntoretto#49213 commented
Hear, hear. I completely agree this should be attended to. It's so annoying that Arena doesn't remember the choice for a certain style.
Pablito#08390 commented
Yes, this is very annoying. I've been trying the same steps for a few days now and as you said it always goes back to the ugly alternate art once I close the collection.
Note, there is a general option in the Gameplay menu settings to set "Auto Apply Card Styles" which does nothing.