Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
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Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
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MTGA Bug.PNG 2104 KB -
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Bug.JPG 268 KB -
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Capture.PNG 2239 KB -
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Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
MTGA 24_04_2020 6_58_44 AM.png 2908 KB -
YeIXL2o[1].jpg 393 KB -
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Caereus#83134 commented
This has been happening to me 2-3 times a day since the Historic patch was released.
Artahm#63315 commented
Same thing happened to me in Traditional Standard Ranked.
ChickenNugget#10116 commented
standard rank sideboard show deck with no card, cannot proceed to anywhere and remaining time freeze . sound still work normally.
the first sideboarding I restart the game and could play without editing deck.
the second sideboarding time is up (according to sound) I won. -
KrenkoMossBob#20809 commented
Same with me. Multiple times now.
Thomas Sankara#01811 commented
I've now lost 2 traditional standard runs because of this. Just going to play ranked until it's fixed
FrshCoolaid#25203 commented
Happened to me in traditional ranked just now. It was after I alt+f4-ed due to stack resolving being stuck in the first game, after the first game it would take me to this broken sideboard.
SchwarzWalker#20465 commented
Same thing just happened here. So annoying.
fuguee#97590 commented
I was sideboarding in game two when the game gave a "there was a problem connecting with the server" message and it got stuck there not allowing me to submit changes. I tried reconnecting but the only screen I got showing in both games 2 and 3 was a commander screen. Lost both post board games with an unsideboarded deck.
Abigaille#35086 commented
Bug confirmed. It happened the same to me
CrystalMethod#47081 commented
I just had this happen in Bo3 Ranked
lapantouflemagic#40836 commented
i think i had the same error but during a draft :/
TirelessHakker#60192 commented
Just happened to me. Man, no sideboard vs mono-red sure does suck. 0-2 very quickly lol, not playing again until resolved. Sure hope I get some compensation for the few games I lost, but I highly doubt it.
fossar_#44401 commented
I also had this issue just now. Got taken to sideboarding as though it was a brawl game in Traditional Standard Ranked.
kew5055#60297 commented
same here... refer to print screen
Yin#45873 commented
I encountered the same issue this morning as well.
RaLi93#90014 commented
I had the same issue
voidchild#40382 commented
The game crashed during BO3 Historic when we went to game 2 to sideboard. When I rejoined the game, the sideboard had a Brawl interface, no cards were visible, and clicking Done did nothing. I was unable to sideboard for the rest of the matches.
voidchild#40382 commented
The game crashed during BO3 Historic when we went to game 2 to sideboard. When I rejoined the game, the sideboard had a Brawl interface, no cards were visible, and clicking Done did nothing. I was unable to sideboard for the rest of the matches.
JWyvern#84617 commented
I also experienced this bug. After game 1 the client crashed and when it restarted it only showed a blank commander window with a button to view the battlefield, which showed the state of the game during the last turn.
SnapCryptic#85595 commented
Game crash when I conceded Game 1, sideboard screen was a blank commander/brawl screen. Restarting client did not help.