Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
sideboarding.png 1689 KB -
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mtga crash.jpg 734 KB -
Game where sideboarded out shock and dragonfire.PNG 3918 KB -
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Capture.PNG 1877 KB -
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ArenaBug.JPG 202 KB -
Log20200425_154800.log 52 KB -
MTGA failure bug.png 3001 KB -
Screenshot.PNG 1290 KB -
Log20200425_094122.log 8 KB -
sideboardbug.png 2017 KB -
MTGA Bug.PNG 2104 KB -
Log20200424_232621.log 12 KB -
Bug.JPG 268 KB -
bug.png 967 KB -
Log20200425_111219.log 455 KB -
Capture.PNG 2239 KB -
sideboard.png 2662 KB -
Glitch in MTG Arena 4-23.png 2791 KB -
MTGA 24_04_2020 6_58_44 AM.png 2908 KB -
YeIXL2o[1].jpg 393 KB -
Log20200419_204500.log 4059 KB -
Log20200419_221848.log 5467 KB -
Log20200419_175450.log 136 KB -
Log20200419_180450.log 5233 KB

0ther#77426 commented
I just got this bug, I can't sideout.
I can only see my deck if I remove the Companion, and even so its not possible to side in or out.
The deck countdown its 80/60 its not matching.
I'm a bit worried, since I'm planing play the Mythic Qualifier tomorrow.
Knorrke#13693 commented
Same issue happening to me. Lost my last two matches this way.
JohnnyThrash#62737 commented
Same here, opponent disconnected / conceded / crashed / ragequit at lethal attack in game 1. Went to sideboarding waited 5 mins till restart. Afterwards game goes back to final attack of game 1 and is stuck there.
Zs07Domingos#46692 commented
05-15-20 and the problem is still not solved
FoolishMass#55838 commented
This sideboard issue is ruining traditional magic on arena
Moongram#80441 commented
Had the same bug multiple times today.
I have a companion (since someone on the forums mentioned this being related).
The bug occurred when
a) Client is laggy because of memory loss > restart during sideboarding > bug
b) Randomly after finishing the first game in a Bo3 series > bug
c) After disconnecting from the client > bug
Is there a fix for this yet?
andruco#73549 commented
justo despues de usar el side al volver a la partida el juego se cuelga y no se puede jugar
TheGreatMag#61122 commented
Here too, lost 2 matches and went 0-2 in a traditional standard event
YodaSensei#69073 commented
Same problem here. Sideboarding is not allowing me to make any change
Jeremdelsol#17079 commented
Same here, log file attached
And it's constant... Everytime I get disconnected in a bo3 I can't sideboard at all.
Annoying since I don't want to play a top deck ( yorion + agent or cycling ) and rely on sideboarding to counter those top decks when encountered. -
Cord14#72698 commented
I cant move anything from the main board to the sideboard and cant even finish it by clicking done, have to wait until the time run out and play without sideboard
gleefulstrix#63047 commented
Same. Jesus Christ! 5 games I couldn't sideboard! I have a companion and everytime I went to game 2, I would sideboard quickly, click done, it would take a full 1:30 or 2 minutes or WHATEVER THE **** ITS MAXIMUM IS and then I WOULD HAVE MY ******* CARD I TRIED TO SIDEBOARD OUT STILL IN THE DECK. 5 matches. ******* it, I know it is just ladder but GOD ******* ******* WIZARDS
Donjon.GilbertO#44179 commented
Same here. Running Windows 7
DarkiziN#49434 commented
the same.
Did wizzards communicate ? dam bug. -
Mono_Reborn#98896 commented
I had the same issue. Game crashed at the start of the match. Managed to close and reopen in time to play first round then this screen came up during sideboard. Tried to close and restart twice with no effect.
Keiver#45443 commented
Same as everybody else but I hope this is getting addressed especially before mythic qualifier
DonnyG33#92584 commented
This happens every match I have a disconnect, which is happening A LOT right now (and it isn't my internet, it's Unity crashes and freezing...
DonnyG33#92584 commented
Same problem. Can't imagine trying to play in a tournament requiring sideboarding with this happening. Disconnects are so bad right now too.
Dirv#91035 commented
Same Issue. Sideboarded twice and both times it was the same after I got disconnected in game 1. I tried to login again during sideboarding before game 2 and nothing helped. It showed a 50 second countdown clock and no maindeck. I could see the sideboard cards and click them, but I was not able to submit with any deck configuration. When I changed deck views, my companion showed as a card type "Commander".
bizzo21#03500 commented
same problem for me