Unable to sideboard or rejoin game
I tried to concede from game 1 from the Std Metagame Challenge, and when I tried to click settings I missed and closed the window, closing the client. When I reloaded the client, the game was still active and so I conceded the game as normal. However, I was unable to see my deck (only my sideboard), or confirm any deck configuration, instead seeing the screen as shown in my file. I couldn't rejoin the game after multiple attempts, and could only concede from the settings.
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Tremblefist#45939 commented
Identical issue began for me two days ago. I haven't been able to play Bo3 since. I agree with other commentors that it only seems to happen with companion decks, so as one of the hot new mechanics, it should be patched soon.
picioca#10754 commented
A me succede solo con i deck che contengono il compagno.
Se non risolvono il problema credo che smetterò di giocare a sto gioco pieno di bug(se la combatte con fallout 4 e ho detto tutto!!!) -
Sysken#68234 commented
I Play on a virtual Machine and encounter lots of crashes these times. When I reconnect, I cant sideboard. None of the buttons work, the timer does not move, Deck name is weird, and it is impossible to exchange cards (my decklist isn't even appearing)
I expected this bug to be corrected in the last update on April 30th, but still got the problem. It happens on EVERY BO3 game I make with a companion, and I lost so many games to this. Hopefully I found a great workaround : I only play BO1 matches.
Lornyon#19206 commented
Same problem here, however the game never returned and it got stuck in the sideboard area.
NuclearRich#11455 commented
Same problem. Lurrus as my companion, bo3 traditional standard: went to SB and the timer wasnt moving and it wouldnt let me press the accept button aftermaking my SB adjustments. Timed out and went back into game without the changes I had made. Same thing happened between the next game.
queen_b#64126 commented
Had the same issue in standard ranked bo3.
Dreamare#81656 commented
Same problem with my Keruga deck.
veseli.nenad88#82438 commented
I had the same problem
Sysken#68234 commented
Same problem here, with a Yorion Deck.
Seems to be occuring when playing companions. -
Ergovore#87884 commented
I cannot see my maindeck and companion, I can only see my sideboard cards. When I try to click on them, they disappear. Done button also does not work while timer is frozen.
AndreR#61089 commented
the same
M3RLIN#05217 commented
yup happened to me too, guess it's an issue with having a companion in your deck. Definitely lost me the match too
Fungah!#16960 commented
Happened with me too, attempted to sideboard during the metagame challenge and my sideboard voided out. Super frustrating, I was up a game and probably would have won if I'd been able to sideboard.
Quick edit, I was using Lurrus and a Rakdos deck. I boarded in mayhem devil and midnight reaper to make my deck more sac-y. This should be legal, but the sideboard failed.
Crunch#29703 commented
Had the exact same bug, my companion seemed to be all wrong as well (it was Umori, the collector). Getting Umori out of companion/commander slot seemed to fix the issue, but I was still unable to save any sideboard changes. -
Vaalna#41097 commented
Was not able to make sideboard changes after a crash. I was also playing in the arena metagame challenge. Compensation for the game would be appreciated.
Maic22#88844 commented
Happened again to me, after this occured during draft, now during the metagame challenge with Yorion as companion I couldn't side anything and submit the deck. I had to wait the timer whitout doing anything. I was up a game and this happened both the times, after game1 and 2. Lost my match this way.
Hope we will get a fixing.
Thank you. -
BenZo#33004 commented
Getting this issue quite often with my Lurrus deck. The last time it cost me the second match in a standard challenge event...
DarkAmaterasu#06274 commented
This happens everytime after a crash, regardless of the companion (same problem with Keruga). if you remove the companion, you can see the deck again, and do the sideboarding, but continue button is disabled, and when the timer goes off, the sideboard is not submitted.
Pillowfort84#06949 commented
Just happened to me as well. Been happening off and on
Fuuma#15991 commented
After restarting client I am unable to see my main deck. I am unable to appropriate sideboard as the system is unable to recognize that I am submitting a valid deck.