The mulligan
when i take a mulligan in the 80% of case i retake the same's impossible that ALWAYS I have in the first hand a card that is only in one copy in the deck...please rebuild the casual method of mulligan..

Rulerzac#16162 commented
****** Mulligan, i don't want play anymore, it's frustrating... Again ando again ando again.... In every update
Rulerzac#16162 commented
Very bad mulligans, I'm angry about this, it's frustrating, it doesn't make you want to play
Lukutus#51279 commented
same for me, 3 times in a row the same cards, lost that game and therefore the draft. maybe one card changed, check the log. can the hand smoother get stuck?
docjj#22294 commented
Log here
docjj#22294 commented
Same here, i have lost 2 draft because of this bug. Take mulligan, give me the axact tsame hand.
This cost 800 gems !!! Wizard I want refund !!!!!!!!!!! -
Heffalump#86915 commented
I had a similar thing happen - I clicked mulligan 3 times and it gave me back exactly the same cards in exactly the same order, but still made me discard 3 cards. This has happened a least once before in a quick draft game.
Zatman#78339 commented
I've had this now happen 2 times in a row. IDENTICAL, not similar. it happens when there seems to be an elongated pause after hitting the mulligan button.