Card is picked with just one click.
"Pestilent haze" is picked just one click at about 2nd draft-pick-phase.
I remember other "one click picking" is happened at that draft but I was cautious after "Pestilent haze".

UV_Catastrophe#86085 commented
This happens to me all the time and it's very frustrating. Sometimes I want to reserve a card and then think about alternatives, and the card gets instantly added to my pile instead. It's very frustrating.
Peterr211#91743 commented
From the multiple times this has happened, it appears to be related to attempting to reserve a card in the same slot as the previous pick. It often happens when picking the rare, then selecting the rare in the next pack. I do seem to remember it happening with non-first-slot cards, but haven't been able to figure out a true pattern. Give me repeatable draft access and some time and I'll do my best to figure it out!
Han#42509 commented
This has been an ongoing issue for me as well. It is back-breaking sometimes.
MrJack#56939 commented
Just logging in to say this is still happening and still annoying.
Voideka#35518 commented
This is still a problem. It has happened to me at least 5 times in the last couple of days.
NgoloKanté#38891 commented
Game bugged again guys, please provide help, I'm not good at drafting and it bothered my decklist
NgoloKanté#38891 commented
Hey, it bugged in a premier draft aswell for me, what can I do so it doesnt ***** my draft ? Is this bug known?