Too many mirror matching in Play Mode
I know this is how Play Mode was designed, matching up similar rarity decks to prevent mature players taking advantages on new players. But no one likes mirror match up all the time. Could you cluster decks with their similarity? If a player meets a deck in Cluster A, then lower the possibility of Cluster A when he plays the next game.

fuusa#12295 commented
So I’ll keep this short and sweet. My experience so far has been **** I have won once maybe 6 in a row with like a mainly black deck once but besides that I’ve never been able to do it again. Every game I play it looks like the same names are showing up also. Joker and Filipe are two of them and those are the names and the funny thing is they always have the same deck or they might be similar to mine like the color or card variety but not by much. They I know have the same deck they use though often. Not the cards of mine but like, nothing besides enchantments or the other one that goes with enchantments and they pull 2 ugin and another planes walker Karn that pulls only the cards that are not creatures. So get that you can’t beat them, turn 4 they have 40 enchantments or whatever the **** they are, and put 3 planes walkers that are worth 7 mana not using green on again turn 3 or 4 whatever it is. But the funniest part is they pull crazy amounts of planes walkers that somehow just work with what they’re doing for the best ramp of mana and power of abilities that you simply have to quit or watch them for 30 mins while they **** around like they’re a human which they’re not and they’re having fun **** you for the 30mins your on the game. I’m guessing they made them this way to make mythic a achievement and make you have to buy things in the shop to make you think you’ll have a chance but it’s a ******* scam I’ve got 1 out of 2 cards I draw mana pools and half the games I don’t get enough mana. Or they give me the wrong color so again it goes with the win lose concept so in that case yep there we go again you need a month of playing time to even get one rank up. Unless you get lucky in the game and make every card maximum efficiency. It’s like every god forsaken game I’ll be ahead but wait no. They have a removal or something else when it’s just the perfect time to do it. I’m jobless I play for 12 hours a day and it’s been like this since I started win then lose and so son. Just like the mechanics you play a card it does this or you get a hand and it’s this. But of course they’re hand is this and this is the answer to everything you got if not more. Like playing someone named joker who can’t be a ******* real person I mean honestly if he was or whatever how in a billion or more people alive and Filipe have I played them over and over again and then on top of all that they have the same cards in the starting hand that he had a month ago In the game of today or whatever like honestly same starting hand from a month ago and then it played out the same as they all do. You have removal ok well guesswhat whatever you do after that they have the answer for it and every step of the way it’s that you being ****** I’d never spend a dime on this game it’s not worth it you might have a better win ratio without paying I can’t be for sure but the one time I did go off was right before I think I spent some money on the game because I was then trying to make the deck better because you get lucky right with a deck? That can be free… then are sucked in by thinking you can make it better. Don’t the only thing on this game needed is mana they will ******** every step of the way, and the only way to do it is use what you like and hope it works while maybe if your mana is 1 out of 1.5 unless like I’m saying you get all the best mana cards. You’ll be able to make a lot of stuff work even if what you made might not be the best but atleast it work to the best of the abilities you put there instead of relying on mana. Half of the stupid *** time. And the rest of the game being one step forward and the next step they get you like you got them. And I mean that you can’t tell me you guys go off and they don’t just quit because isn’t that how you know your good. It happens to me every other game they play 3 mana and have some random card with 2 “1mana cards get like 5 cards stacked on both of them and then your hit for 30 on turn 3. Who the **** has that luck and then their luck on top of my luck being 50/50 for wins? Bro we don’t need to be as smart as a computer to see theirs something wrong with how they made this stupid thing it’s not even a game if it’s like that. A game is skill based , this is t skill based it’s mana based. And who the **** can get lucky with the cards drawn. If the deck was made proper sure it can be better but the way I see it these people must have god tier decks and drawing abilities because for some reason what is it. My deck is 50percent get ****** **********?
incursio1#84927 commented
It's best to play MTGA against Sparky because you'll have 100% win rate and those decks are really random.
That's the end game boss and is so satisfying to beat. If they only allowed wins against Sparky to count with the daily quests then that would be the best! Thanks Wizards, I love MTGA due to the Sparky mirror matches. -
Dameon Geppetto#78715 commented
Silly pleb, you think that Wizards of the Coast cares about their players? Corporate greed is all they care about. With every patch it gets worse. Lose to a deck? Get matched against it three times in a row until you beat it then they will find another deck that you usually lose too. Too many losses in a row? Okay, here is a really easy opponent - only one - and then we will beat you down with netdeck simps again.
King Alan#42151 commented
I was playing mono white aggro and for nearly 30 games, I faced all mirror match. Are you sure this is not some kind of bugs? How am I going to test my deck if I can't play against other decks?
Eyes_Alive#28321 commented
I 100% agree. Every time I make a new deck I face a mirror match of that deck, sometimes down to the exact same Legendary cards I have.
Recently I made a white/black lifelink build. I really like the deck but, since I built it a few days ago around 80% of my opponents have the same deck.
It honestly makes the whole game stale, repetitive and BORING!!!!!!
It's really unfortunate because my favorite thing about Magic is building new decks and testing out different cards together. When you always go against those exact same cards it's simply not fun anymore.
I think the matchmaking should be completely random and not based on your deck. Just match people in the same Tier as each other and PLEASE STOP The mirror matches. It will be the reason I stop playing this game altogether and have already played a LOT less than I would if it didn't have this matchmaking algorithim. -
KuraiKen#98369 commented
As if wizard would read this, so I may as well let it all out on them.
I have been playing magic since october last year and throughout the course of Kaldheim and Strixhaven, I could write entire books about MTG arena.
Sometimes, the game is fun when you are on a winstreak with your deck. However, your rigged matchmaker as well as shuffler just give me the same amount of loses right after. I don't know how often I have lost my mind due to your ****** plot to make money. And it's not just in some cases, it's continous, may also be because every little boon is now playing with top tier decks because you implemented the ****** export and import features. All PEOPLE suddenly turned pro, even BRONZE PLAYERS can beat me because they play ****** mono red or mirror me by playing mono white.
Now that Strixhaven is out, it will get even worse as I'm already predicting that Winota will now be played constantly. I arleady asked myself as to why you keep Ugin and Tibalts Trickery in Standard Ranked, when they are such **** sucking wincons, but I wanted to overlook that. But now that I have to reconfirm that you kept Winota, I really have to question your expereince with overpowered cards or the game you created yourselves.
Ironically, you banned her in Historic where apparently, one is allowed to play almost any card :facepalm:. I highly doubt that you play MTG arena yourselves, hence why you are so bad at making the right decisions, but I also think that you don't care, all you care about is making money, whether veterans lose to total newbies (manascrewing, everyone capable of playing top tier decks now) or not.
And seriously, don't get me started on your shuffler..
This is just a fragment of my opinion about you, coming from the things I read and the experience I'm having with MTG arena at the moment. Becoming Mythic has soo lost it's value and then you even want people to still invest in your game by paying real money. Makes me laugh.
Weed&Magic#98977 commented
When i play mono red i face 10 mirrors, one gruul, then 10 mirrors. When i play dimir rogues its the same, 10 mirrors and 1 dimir control deck. Im so tired of this that i no longer want to keep playing ;MTG
Thaistick23#51412 commented
Really guys, it's been few weeks since I can't end a single game in normal mode.
People are just tired of playing against similar decklist all the time.
Why did you thought this could be good idea ? It's definitely not a good idea.
People, once they notice the opponent is playing almost the exact same list as you do, they just quit the game after few rounds.
Average lasting game is 3 rounds.Can you please just remove that stupid non sens matchup algo, and put it full random.
We can't test our decklist with improbable mirror matchup, even if I come with the most homebrew janx decklist I just spent 2 hours on, Your stupid algo find a similar deck list opponent.
Can't play normal mode, and ranked is just about Tiers 1 tiers 2 decklist, so how can we innovate with new list, if we can't grind data out of regular games.
Guys, please do something, we are all wasting our time.
Kind regards.
Thaistick23#51412 commented
I really don't understand why did you implement a mirror match algo when we launch a "play" game.
I mean, how are we supposed to test decklist before going into ranked mode, if we can't find a opposite matchup, just like it would happen in real game ranked mode.
I built a mono blue decklist, I have to play against only mono blue decklist.
I play selesnya, I will only face selesnya, same for mutate, or grull aggro, or mono red.I think this is really stupid.
We need random matchup, just like in real, just like in ranked.
Why did you implement that algo, can't test the decklist.
So pointless.
Please change that, at least for few month and monitor the data, you'll see more people are playing and staying on MTGarena.
In actual state, game experience is so stupid, feels like the game is broken cause it doesn't reflects real magic games.
Kind regards.
Edit : You can hire me as UX designer guys :)
I would love to help developing :)