Long opponent combo caused my timeout to get used.
An opponent had combo generating lots of card interaction. I checked the resolve all box to get passed it but stupid Arena kept pausing on every triggered ability over a minute. This caused Arena pop-up a timeoout fuse on ME! for an oppponent's combo taking too long.
If someone checks RESOLVE ALL get **** Arena to accelerate the resolution after the first few abilities. No one wants to sit through the same abilities triggering over and over for a minute or more.

edo84rm#32171 commented
I Had the same problem with basking broodscale/tarriant's soulcleaver, I was going to win with charbelcher but opponent started combo and made my timer to expire and pass the turn. It's a shame this bug still exist.
JayDoubleA#41401 commented
Just happened to me, to. I ended up losing my next turn, and all the critters they'd spammed onto the battlefield were suddenly able to attack.
This needs to be fixed. Don't burn my timer if the game isn't waiting for me to act.
Radiant#13622 commented
Why is this still a thing?
MufasaBobbyBaby#09633 commented
My opponent just did the scurry oak combo. During the combo, arena burned my timer even though it wasn't waiting on me for anything. Because I timed out, I wasn't able to block my opponent's one attacking creature. By the way, they also timed out, but were somehow allowed to attack.
Drewsome#53024 commented
I had the same thing happen to me. I tried to submit a bug about it while my timer ran down and it crashed the game.
Zolwe#80571 commented
Had the same issue, lots of abilities triggered, checked the resolve all box and my timeout was slowly consumed by each ability resolved. The game drawed because of the timeout of too many abilities on the stack pile.
Clipper#94551 commented
I had the same thing happen to me. The combo involved Accolyte of Affliction, Chromatic Orrery, Escape Protocol and a cycling card.
No problem with them doing the combo, but my Timeout was eaten despite me tapping resolve all immediately whenever it appeared, and it was being eaten during the resolution of their combo while I had no chance to interact.
This seems like you could have an infinite combo with no way to end the game, but provided you can keep performing it, you'll cause your opponent to lose due to timer inactivity!