Missing cards in starter deck
Finished the quest to get Selesnya Conclave deck today and none of the cards were added in my collection.
The deck is completely empty, appart from the basic lands.
I had none of the cards before and none of the cards were added after getting the deck: every number to the left of the cards are red.

gpiccolo81#64429 commented
I'm noticing a similar issue. My deck is reporting that the cards exist in it but they dont. This is happening with multiple different cards. The attached photo is one example. This causes me to not be able to add more than 2 of those cards to my deck.
blaker#26738 commented
Same happens to me today on the historic shakeup, I win the 2 battles and they give me 2 cards that disappear. Checked and not in my cards :(
Orion#82378 commented
I did a similar request to the support team past october, same answer received as phod#47705 :
"Thanks for your patience while we looked into this. We are aware of this known issue regarding the Color Challenge reward decks, and the Dev team is working on a solution. We're hoping for it to be deployed next week, but we appreciate your patience if it takes a little longer. Either way, it will be solved, and eventually, everyone affected by this will get the decks they are missing. Thanks so much for being one of many that brought this to our attention!"
Beo#28090 commented
This is same issue I am having as well. I received decks Boros Legion, Golgari Swarm, Izzet League, Orzhov Syndicate, Simic Combine, and Selesnya Conclave just recently (after rotation) which are all out of rotation.
Unblessed Faust#99026 commented
Same here for the Conclave deck and Adventure decks
phod#47705 commented
From the support team:
"Thanks for your patience while we looked into this. We are aware of this known issue regarding the Color Challenge reward decks, and the Dev team is working on a solution. We're hoping for it to be deployed next week, but we appreciate your patience if it takes a little longer. Either way, it will be solved, and eventually everyone affected by this will get the decks they are missing. Thanks so much for being one of many that brought this to our attention!"
---Hold tight everyone!
Mash1987#51038 commented
I have had the same problem, 6 invalid decks after completing the New Player Experience, I beleive this is a bug, and should have access to way more decks and cards after completing all the challenges.
Stuoningur#69964 commented
I started playing last weekend and finished unlocking all decks yesterday. Sadly like all people here 6 of those decks contain invalid cards. I have not received the cards from the decks either. Hope this gets resolved soon.
IcyMike#73214 commented
Did not receive "To Adventure!" for my green/white, but the non-standard previous starter deck of "Selesnya Conclave".
1. When did you sign up for MTG Arena and first start playing? - 19sep20
2. Which decks did you receive that are not in the current rotation? - as above
3. What days did you get these out-of-rotation decks? - sometime 20/21/22Sep
4. Did you get any cards from the in-rotation decks added to your collection. - all decks received have non-standard cards; green/white is 100% the prior expansions' -
phod#47705 commented
DenuMx when did you last log in? There was a rotation on September 17th, so a bunch of cards are no longer in the standard rotation. https://mtgazone.com/mtg-standard-rotation-guide/
DenuMx#72657 commented
I joined the game today and to my surprise my decks are all disabled, what happened?
Jabberwocky#94794 commented
Facing the same problem. I received the old Selesnya Conclave pre-con instead of the new To Adventure!
1. When did you sign up for MTG Arena and first start playing?
September 16th2. Which decks did you receive that are not in the current rotation?
Selesnya Conclave (for now)3. What days did you get these out-of-rotation decks?
September 21st4. Did you get any cards from the in-rotation decks added to your collection. e.g. Elder Gargaroth from the Blue-Green deck. Decks and cards are listed here: https://draftsim.com/best-mtg-starter-decks/
Nope. I didn't receive any cards from the original To Adventure! deck5. Have you completed the Colour Challenge? If so, what day did you complete it?
Yes, September 17th -
savedbygrace#36892 commented
The starter deck issue persists. I've now been awarded a slew of non-format decks like everyone else.
phod#47705 commented
This has also been happening to me. :/
Just FYI, I am currently trying to chase this up with support and to get a fix for all of us. I'll report on my progress as it comes.
Please keep adding votes and comments if you're also affected by this issue!
I also have a few questions for all of you, that I will pass on to support if necessary:
1. When did you sign up for MTG Arena and first start playing?
2. Which decks did you receive that are not in the current rotation?
3. What days did you get these out-of-rotation decks?
4. Did you get any cards from the in-rotation decks added to your collection. e.g. Elder Gargaroth from the Blue-Green deck. Decks and cards are listed here: https://draftsim.com/best-mtg-starter-decks/
5. Have you completed the Colour Challenge? If so, what day did you complete it?Let's hope this gets sorted out soon! :)
Pepito#32463 commented
Seems i have the cards in my collection, they are just out of rotation.
Is it normal one of the decks given as prizes are not Standard legal?
Mash1987#51038 commented
I am having the same issue, just received Selesnya Conclave, instead of the valid started deck.
Jabberwocky#94794 commented
I am facing the same problem
KilnFriend#65904 commented
Have experienced the same.
Dopeman#22758 commented
Happened to me aswell
Dopeman#22758 commented
Happened to me aswell