MTG Arena Linux Client
I wanted to request / show interest in a Linux client for the game.
The game can run through Wine in Linux though many workarounds, but it would be preferable if the game had an official Linux client (which theoretically shouldn't be too hard, given that it's a Unity game).

ShinySocks#38276 commented
This is essential, more people should vote for this
blackwizards#58434 commented
Having a native linux client should be preferible than running MTGA within Wine. It should be not so difficult having into account that it's a Unity application and there is already an Android client. The number of linux users interested in MTGA is increasing. I hope WotC will listen our voices soon. Thank you.
Abo#77969 commented
A flatpak version on flathub would be enough. Then any distro could dowload it an there would be no need for .deb, rpm, Appimage, aur, etc.
150sg#37767 commented
Given MTGA is build with Unity, I am flummoxed as to why we do not have a native Linux port.
isjoltz#78559 commented
Please make a Linux Client.
m8ram#66348 commented
The android client on a phone is hardly usable. A desktop client for Linux would allow me to actually play this game.
ningia#28680 commented
Come on Wizards!
Mio#32545 commented
The game is made in Unity right? Porting it to linux is literally a press of a button.
Kaczor#12820 commented
Same here, android version works on my phone but not tablet nor desktop
heroooo#56158 commented
I use Linux and play MTGA from an android device, it would be great if i could also play it on my Desktop
TheScrawl#96533 commented
I hope Wizards is able to recognize that, while Linux might not have a large userbase in the wider gaming sphere, the overlap between Linux users and Magic players is huge, and this is a considerable untapped market. In addition, porting to Linux will likely be beneficial to the ports for Android, which I assume Wizards has at least some plans to implement at some point in the future.
luis#85742 commented
This would be great.
I play with lutris but sometimes something breaks and the game crash. -
Nina#33269 commented
Yes pretty please support Linux!! <3
Urko#49916 commented
Definitely linux support is needed...especially now that the steam deck is out.
Mr.Domino#81492 commented
Sadly, I fear only 15 (now 16) comments and 125 votes in a year's time won't result in much thought being put to a native Linux port.
Mr.Domino#81492 commented
Yes, please. Linux support would go a long way to getting this game to a more diverse audience.
Phyrexian102#53965 commented
I would be so freaking happy to get this. I find that having it native is much easier than trying to run it through a VM
KnightOfPhyrexia#49585 commented
As a long time Linux user and gamer, I, too, would warmly welcome a native client (and, likely, finally encourage a friend or two, who are Linux-only)
Wigglytuff#84159 commented
This would be great and well-timed with the release of the Steam Deck.
firo#76762 commented
I'd love native Linux support! Linux gaming is gaining traction over the years, and the steam deck also shows. It would be a good move :)