timer active while triggers resolve
To reproduce: put lots of triggers onto the stack, eg by playing a Scute Swarm deck, do so while the timeout cord is showing to see full effect
Results (on PC): My timer keeps running while the triggers resolve, if it runs out, I automatically pass to combat/the turn/etc when all triggers have resolved.
Expected results: my timer does not countdown while triggers are resolving because I am unable to take any actions.
EDIT: this is much less of an issue on my new computer, as triggers resolve much faster than they did on my old laptop.

Hypocriticai#61529 commented
Why is my timer going down while waiting for my opponent's triggers to resolve?
Legomancer#14366 commented
Vorni in Shrine deck equals PAIN
SirPoonga#98945 commented
His triggers, I get punished for them.
Eagle's Flight#59705 commented
Running a deck with Lunarch Veteran, Voice of the Blessed, and Rabble Rousing.
While waiting for the the Life gains triggers on Voice of the Blessed after attacking, the Timeout continued to run then eventually I lost the game with 737 Life Points, and 314/314 on Voice of the Blessed.
Evilfingers#49990 commented
This has been a problem since beta and they still haven't fixed this. Amazing, truly.
dy95rabo#41806 commented
My opponent decided to put as many triggers on the stack as possible before timing out while these triggers resolved my timer startet to run down and once all triggers resolved it just skipped my turn.
xkpeters#89948 commented
For me it happens frequently but in my last game it caused a forced concede from inaction.
cogitoErgoSam#68504 commented
Actually still an issue if my opponent is also playing a scute swarm deck, see attached log where I believe my opponent conceded because they ran out of time while their triggers were resolving