Brawl Ranked/Brawl Bot Match
In my opinion people who like to play just to win should stick to competitive formats. Brawl is my Format of choice and it is really frustrating sometimes to see competitive decks every other match. Having a ranked brawl would make people have more fun in the Casual Brawl because they would actually be able to play the game to play the game and have fun. With so many people copying competitive decks it is hard for the people that just like creating there own decks to see if the decks actually work because you cant do Bot Matches with brawl decks.

brawlspecials#38861 commented
You are absolutely right, but there are event matches that players can play, and they can easily win matches if they play well. [BSD Brawl](
Gungywamp#22856 commented
With people having found the internal MMR scores for cards in Brawl, I think it can be fully agreed upon that those scores need severe retweaking for the sake of having Brawl actually being fun and more fair. Yes, this is partially just me QQing because I'm too poor to buy Wildcards and packs to make a proper deck, but if I can't make a proper deck, I shouldn't be seeing Azusa/Greenwarden/Scute or Emergent Ultimatum decks that are seemingly well optimized.
Just like, set up a Ranked Brawl queue where MMR is solely based on a deck-linked elo system then use the highest elo decks to redetermine what cards are actually good. I really don't understand how there could be good data on what scores cards should have if the only way matchmaking is happening is already through the system that uses seemingly arbitrarily decided numbers. I mean, I'm all for a system that tries to figure out your deck's "power level" in a format trying to emulate Commander, but it feels like I'm going to play Commander with friends and 4/5 times said friends are downplaying and/or lying about what their deck does being like "oh, it's just a silly 5 color pile that does janky stuff" and that "janky stuff" is ramping out Ultimatum to slam some of the worst stuff they can get away with.
Owen=Good#60946 commented
Ranked Brawl should just definitely exist. I love playing brawl but it feels pointless when I could go play standard ranked and get higher in the ranks.
Also, competitive decks are soooo annoying to play against. Play to win and casual should be separated. A brawl bot match would also be great for playtesting, and avoiding competitive decks again. Overall, both should be added, to make the game way more enjoyable for casual and competitive players. -
Lord of Luxury#97962 commented
As someone coming from the total other side of this problem I totally agree! I don't have nearly as much fun playing brawl (even though it's my favorite format on arena) because I specifically DO want the games to be competitive. I feel like everybody wins if there is both a casual and a ranked option.
Pastapockets#87184 commented
WOTC do not want you to play brawl. They only want you to play standard. It's why the format is left to suffer full of cards that should be banned (like Golos).
DaddyDM78#36052 commented
News flash... WotC don't care whether the game is fun or not, for you or for anyone else. They only care whether it is profitable. Bot play isn't profitable and FTP players are only accomodated as part of the business model so far as they provide lemmings for the PTW sharks and whales to stomp across all the formats, including the so-called 'Play' mode. Improving bot play (or any other non-competitive aspects of the game) would detract from that, so its not going to happen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but a hard truth is better than a conforting delusion.
Aladdin#58319 commented
It should be possible to test Brawl decks against the bot/AI.