game win counted as win and loss after cancelling matchmaking
- PC
Initial State:
- record of 2-1 in Ikoria Quick Draft
- queued up for a game in Ikoria Quick Draft
- state changed from waiting to "entering match..."
- waited at this state for two minutes (see screenshot)
- pressed cancel
- observed stated of Ikoria Draft Event screen and saw my record was 2-1
- queued up again for Ikoria Quick Draft
- played and won against opponent
- was taken back to home screen for Ikoria Draft Event
Expected Result
- record of 3-1
Actual Result
- record of 3-2, so it seems as if the last match I played counted as a win and loss (see screenshot)
Would it be possible to remove this extra game loss or refund of the draft fee? If I knew leaving "Entering Match..." would have resulted in a game loss I would have stayed in the match queue longer until a match was found.
Thanks and thank you for all the work you do on the client.
OrionTheWhite#17536 commented
My opponent conceded in round 12 and somehow it gave him the win. This was the second time during BO1 quick draft vow. I should have had 7 vicotories. Instead I am out at 5?
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.