Every few matches I encounter a player that will wait until the very last second on the clock every turn before clicking continue, never resolve cards until it times out, and drag the game on for as long as possible for no reason whatsoever. This is obviously an issue that needs to be addressed. Please program in functionality to take an average/total of overall 'stall time' spent. If it is extremely high ask the opponent after the duel if it appeared the player was purposefully stalling the game for no reason, word it how you want. If the said player receives enough reports they should be banned for X days and permanently if the issue is frequent enough/longstanding.
I fail to see how a lack of this programming helps your sales when people such as myself hesitate to spend money on your game due to the excessive occurrence of players stalling the game. No one wants to have their playtime wasted by people that do this intentionally.
Thank you for your consideration.