Stuck in game because opponent won't accept starting draw or mulligan
I am at the moment unable to either concede or leave my match without either logging out or closing the game client all together because my opponent won't accept their starting hand or mulligan and passing to me.
Their timer ran out and I assumed the game would auto forfeit or cancel but I have been stuck here for 10 minutes.
I appreciate I can close the game or log out but that isn't the point.

ttm1#89888 commented
Happened again today to me. Opponent won draw and does not decide with time running out. Since it is best of 1 ranked forfeiting is no option.
Fubuki#09024 commented
I am in the same situation described by @S_cubed_#07032.
Yesterday, something similar happened, but the opponent's first hand was automatically accepted the moment his/her timer ran out, as one would expect with how the timer works in this game.
As I am currently writing, however, my opponent has been hanging around with the timer bar empty for several minutes and I still haven't had a chance to either accept my hand or mulligan.
Looking at the date of the OP, this has been going on for three years already. How about somebody fixes it instead of nagging OP because the post wasn't in the correct section? And by the way, this IS the correct section. In the original poster's case it might have been an event, but like others who posted here before, I'm currently stuck in this situation in a RANKED match, and I have no intention of losing because of this.
DTAdams#06211 commented
I just experienced this same issue for the first time (on the iOS platform if that matters). Opponent won the die roll and won't choose play or draw. It's best two out of three, so I'll just wait out my opponents 30 min timer, but this definitely needs to be fixed. In theory this is a great way to work up the ladder because more opponents would concede than stubbornly wait around like me. After timer runs out, it should be an automatic game/match loss as if an opponent chose not to even sit down at an in person event.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
[Deleted User] commented
For Draft problems go to and select "Report a problem with my event"
S_cubed_#07032 commented
Game won't start and stuck indefinitely waiting for opponent to select to keep or mulligan hand. Time bar (often called "rope") has expired but hangs perpetually. Been stuck in same game for 20minutes and no change. Only option is to concede and lose match (which is really disappointing / frustrating esp. as was 1 win away from tier 1 Diamond).
Platform: Steam