Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
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Syukoden#03046 commented
still not able to logging in, the best game ever, zero bugs.Awalys when they release an update i have some kind of problem.
Lorenzo_Canteen's_Games#56789 commented
After logging in the program doesn't load the initial scene page. Tried a hundred times but same result. Just a black page.
polymagus#41444 commented
Crimson vow update has effectively blocked me from logging in. On PC.
Syukoden#03046 commented
Having the same problem after Crimson update.
KC0ITF#86329 commented
With the Crimson Vow update... unable to login due to Authentication Timeout
F8lmos#76330 commented
I have the same issue and wizards support said that it is no one problem reported, that I have to uninstall the game and install again. I did it but the problem it's the same.
gambitfox#17130 commented
Mot able to log in even after attempting and restarting and redownloading
FerociousFox#34357 commented
just got this bug, can't login now :/
ManicMonday#74292 commented
Cannot login, please get this fixed
Tommyas commented
Have the same problem. There seem to be a lot of us. Please communicate.
Fallenight#79616 commented
It's been five days so far and have zero access to my account because of this server bug. When will this be fix? It wasn't fixed with the latest update
Noxel#31473 commented
Can't play with my main account on PC and Android since the 26th. Tried to log with a new account and i can login normally. Please fix soon, I don't want to loose my beta tester account
Neckblanket#02847 commented
I was hoping update would address this issue. Haven't been able to play since the 26th. Is it because I play goblins?? I mean, I can play something else!
Drex#97511 commented
Same problem. Did everything with my account reinstall,firewall,VPN,other clients (win & android)
Problem has to do with Wizards server cause it is linked to the account and not the local client.
Still in contact with support I pray for a solution -
Cypra#76437 commented
I can’t login with my account on iOS, PC and Mac. I tried everything with windows firewall deactivated, WiFi restart and deinstalled the game on all three devices. Still the same problem now for three days.
Gitrippa#50733 commented
I have not been able to play for days now. Fix this
NickSeventySix#74258 commented
same issue for the last 24+ hours
Saranac#40069 commented
Same Issue, can log in under one name but not the other since Friday. Support agent not helpful at all...
Danknoodle#61619 commented
Getting this problem as well. Gonna miss out on a daily -.-
fomris#68630 commented
I'm getting this problem again now.