magic Arena is SCRIPTED
Most scripted game of all time.
best of three is best of mulligan.. 100% of the time you get no land, or you draw 20 lands in first 20 cards..
every time a get diamond tier1 and I'm 1 game far away from mithyc, the MAGIC happens and I start loosing every f**kin game..
all my favorite cards... BANNED... uro, teferi, fires.. even brainstorm!!!!!
this game is all aggro and thoughtseize... this is magic on Arena in hystoric.
No way I'm going to spend money or resources on standard because you ban cards every week ...
you will never have one more € from me... NEVER .. N E V E R !!!

failnation#65496 commented
Exactly, new and veteran players have been telling Wizbro for years that they need to have truly randomized draws and match making, but the company refuses to listen. Instead their customer service reps try to gaslight players with canned responses claiming they've been "thoroughly tested at length", and "are working as intended" - which is PRECISELY THE PROBLEM. They refuse to release any report from a 3rd party testing, or provide access to view algorithms. The scripting is comically blatant. They seem to believe if the frustrate players enough that it'll force them to spend money to accelerate their e-card collections. Almost no one at any of my LGS is willing to spend time on Arena, they predominantly play Hearthstone instead. Brilliant strategy Wizbro!
Cricchetto#04693 commented
this game sucks, is just script, if you win 2 match, basically you got to lose 5 game in a row then, with no posibilities to play in every game (2 mulligan and 1 land and no creatures in a balanced deck with 20/20/20 land/creatures/spells/)...30% posibilities find every type of cards and in 3 match in a row i start second to play and with just one land every time...first 2 match i try to mulligna and it goes worst, i'm a magic real player, and just to prove it, i make the same thing with real cards and in 10 times i never find just one land in start...this is not magic, this is a pay to win game with just scripted match and no sense, even when i win i see that many times is impossible for my opponent to win the game, is far far away better Marvel Snap in online game, no doubts.
Serkian#23585 commented
They don't give a **** that their game is scripted as long as the same people as always win, that is, them and those who pay, but well, that's how the CEO is losing money by resigning. Let them continue prioritizing pay players so that they can play while f2p players get screwed because they have losses with such a poor economic system, which rather than attracting players scares them, they deserve it.
tcgplayerpro#11653 commented
They looked into and saw the $ generated from EA dynamic difficulty adjustment and could not help themself. It is not working out for them. Hasbro laid off over 1000 people just before Christmas. That company along with the leadership at Wizards continues to do irreparable harm to the great game Magic The Gathering and the need to cease all nefarious activity before they have nothing left to print for.
Awhoo Thunder#27323 commented
Its no qustion if, the only question is why.
I agree that some games are really off.
Not every one of them tho, just some.
For example I have 20 lands in my 60 card deck and when I need some removal (15 in deck) or creature (20+) in deck I will get 6 lands in row without blink of an eye...
Or my opponent gets perfect answer for my cards and things like that are pretty common...Its absolutely making games closer than it should be pretty often.
I just go play another game anytime I notice it.
controlzzfreak#37256 commented
Could not agree more. Shuffler is rigged and I get a bull***** hand almost every other game. Random my ***. Just uninstalled the game. Done with this game. Done with this company.