unable to submit deck friendly play
hi, i tried playing a friendly game between me and my wife and it keeps saying unable to submit deck, i just played on monday with my wife and had zero issues it seems that this new update has messed with our accounts pretty bad. please fix this i greatly appreciate it
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Makeo Esquire#42492 commented
i just made a new commander deck and wanted to test it out against my friend i used auto craft to finish it with two mythic cards. once my friend got online i challenged them and MTGA says its an invalid deck due to two cards, i then tried to copy the deck and the deck copy also doesnt work but when i try it in a normal brawl match it works just fine please help
NeoPincushion#96117 commented
Every time I try to challenge a friend, both of our Decklist change and our most used decks are missing making us unable to play together
TheJoesaurus#80445 commented
It is impossible to challenge a friend to a game of brawl. To reproduce the bug:
1. Challenge a friend to a game and choose Brawl. Use the 2 crossed swords button to proceed, as otherwise the normal "challenge" button does not appear.
2. See that all of your legal decks are flagged as having one or more illegal cards.
3. Edit one of those decks and see that Arena is trying to checking to see if your brawl decks are legal for a 40 card format.
4. You can go no further -
Outofcòntról#98989 commented
Not getting deck submission fault, but now proceeds to waiting for opponent and halts there.
Baffled_Banana#53258 commented
Whenever I attempt to challenge a Friend and select my deck I get an error message that says "Unable to submit deck. Please try again later." Then I lose connection to the game. My internet connection is stable. I have tried selecting different decks, on both PC and android with the same results.
Manolokb#42821 commented
Receive Direct challenge a friend
Submit deck
After like a minute the client says "Network error" (Log says Timeout)
Later the client says "Connection Lost" -
unlinkingelm#29692 commented
I lose connection everytime me and my brother challenge eachother.
Karaipantsu#15993 commented
Day four of upvoting every single one of these related threads until WOTC deals with this incredibly annoying issue. It's been going on for at least 3 months now, and doesn't seem to have any rhyme or reason as to who it effects and when. This has made our Arena playgroup extremely frustrated, and we'd all hoped the Khans release patch would fix it. Time to get this some more attention.
Spliff#90819 commented
Still "cannot submit deck" in friendly brawl even when both decks are "Friendly Brawl" decktype. For months now, haven't been able to play with my friend. Worthless game.
Edouard#34023 commented
To this day, December 14th, IT STILL DOESN'T WORK!
We try it every single day and it never works!
They haven't fixed it in 2 MONTHS!
Of course in the meantime the store is always functioning.
And corrupt MTG YouTubers keep mum about it. -
AddytheSquirrel#73482 commented
It's pretty shocking to see A) how many folks are having this issue and B) how long (years!) Wizards has failed to solve it... Pretty depressing.
But yeah, just spent literal hours trying to troubleshoot this through every workaround I could find so gf and I could play. We're on separate coasts right now and were looking forward to reconnecting over some Magic.
Pretty pathetic stuff, Wizards.
zodiaxis34#27001 commented
This error really really sucks, my brother and I play everyday and this really isn’t the way we want to experience magic during direct game play. Please fix this issue it has been going on for moths, since October.
zodiaxis34#27001 commented
Direct gameplay is not working, after choosing decks and going into the game. One of the players loses connection to the server, and the error message displays “unable to submit deck”
zodiaxis34#27001 commented
During direct game, one of the players loses connection to the server, and the error message displays, lost connection to server unable to submit deck. The issue is intermittent but seems to be happening more lately. My brother and I play all the time and direct play is important to us. Please address this losing connection unable to submit deck problem.
AlfonzoTheRussian#33450 commented
When trying to play with a friend with direct challenge or otherwise after I select a deck it gets stuck on "waiting for server" and then says "network error" and loses connection.
Dean Davis#72099 commented
It won't allow me to Direct Challenge in MTG Arena. It worked for the first few games...me and my friend were able to play 2 or 3 matches fine. However...after those...it wouldn't allow us to play each other after that. It just keeps saying "Unable to submit deck. Please try again later."
Very frustrating. Me and my friend just spent the past 2 hours trying to troubleshoot this issue to no avail. I went online to try to figure out a way to solve this...and nothing works. During my research...I discovered that this issue is actually affecting ALOT of players. Please do something to fix this so me and my friends can play MTG Arena against each other. -
trickthat#01761 commented
I managed to fix my kids account but not our other 2. I tried something I saw in Redit about exporting and then importin one of the sample decks. THis is not device dependent, it is account dependent, my oldest can use any of our devices just fine after their account got fixed.
Warhawk21joe#66851 commented
Posted the interaction with support to MTGA reddit. Come to find out me complaining about this not working since 2020 is the problem lol. Crazy.
Lokyr#43197 commented
A bug is never nice, expecially when it stays for several months. But the worse thing is WoC doesn't communicate about it. Nothing. Please, consider your players and customers with more respect WoC if you want people spend their money in your game.
SketiCZE#69969 commented
After 3h playing error -> unable to submit deck -> FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!