Broken Logs in 2021.8.0.3855
Since 2021.8.0.3855 update many things 3rd party devs rely on in log is gone.
The most painful endpoints we currently miss are:
*Draft related endpoints
We understand that seemingly your backend undergone refactoring and there's no more remote procedure PlayerInventory, but there's definitely it's analogue, and please make it write data to the log.
To summarize, we need following data from log:
* Player's collection
* Player's actions in Draft
* Player's inventory updates
* Players decks WITH DECK STRUCTURE (not like now, only names and some diagnostic data).

MisterCheese#69841 commented
I use tools like untapped that fill gaps in MTG arena and help me build my collection and decks. This bug stops these wonderful tools from working, and allowing me to continue to brew a variety of decks! Thanks for fixing this!
DeadKnau5#09210 commented
As a limited player, I will not play drafts until logs work for 17lands and other trackers. Every-time logs break I stop playing limited.
littlegreenmonkey#11821 commented
Please keep the log format stable and friendly to developers.
Having a record of my drafts and games is a major reason why I draft as much as I do!
Knorrke#13693 commented
For me, collection and draft tracking are a very important addition to the game. Please keep providing the log's needed for the 3rd party trackers to work.
ozalpsinan#75869 commented
Yes indeee! Gold and gem progress, wildcard progress and cards progress not uploading. Only matches and deck information?
viralmisnomer#61325 commented
The other item that would be incredibly helpful is some early logging of the "playerId" field. Historically we've gotten this from Event.GetCombinedRankInfo or PlayerInventory.GetPlayerInventory, but anything that's logged before the user can start a draft would be useful.
DaTruAndi#10331 commented
It baffles me that knowing the popularity of 3rd party trackers they did not have the decency to announce and document the breaking changes.
LordPappy#43702 commented
WotC, please stop breaking the logs with every update!
Cloud#22213 commented
I want my 3rd party apps back. Please collaborate with the designers like WOW/blizz etc. They support the 3rd party apps and it's healthy for the game.
whiskeyandgrits commented
Third party devs are heroic for accomplishing some fantastic things without any stable API—a more ambitious request would be an API other than logs, but that seems like quite a stretch, so please do replace these essential logging events.
It's clear from their popularity that third-party apps are addressing wants of many users that the client does not meet, enhancing enjoyment of the game and metagame for many of us. They're healthy for the ecosystem.